What in the world is The Picky Pledge? Started in 2015 as a collaboration with Hannah of So Obsessed With, it's basically an accountability partnership where she and I encourage each other to acquire less new books and read more of the books we already own. For the specifics of the 2020 version of this project, y'all can go and check out the introduction post. This page is meant to track the books I read to complete our reading challenge for the year.
For the Cover: The Deathless Girls
Based on a Recommendation: A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic, #2)
For the Hook: The Rise of Kyoshi
Because It Was On Sale: The Duchess Deal
Because It's the Next in a Series: Soul of the Sword
In a Different Format: Gotham Academy, Vol. 3: Yearbook
Because of the Author: Half-Blood
Were Gifted: Nightfall
Pre-ordered But Haven't Read Yet: The Downstairs Girl
More Than Three Years Ago: Naked in Death
Topic: The Nightingale
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