March 1, 2021

February 2021

This month just flew by so quick! I'm not too upset about it because it's been so cold and dreary (which usually puts me right into hibernation/sleep mode), so I'm looking forward to the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer. We had two winter storms up here (and a couple of scattered snow/snow flurry days), which is more than we usually get but provided a great excuse to just curl up on the couch to watch anime or read books or play video games (not that an excuse is ever needed in this household). I had the chance to see friends in person, on calls (including a virtual celebration for Rachel's birthday!) and in game (hello, Animal Crossing, my old friend!); I also spent a significant portion of this month trying to get myself organized and staying on top of my habits. But the brightest spot in the month was unquestionably welcoming my newest nephew into the world! It's been such a joy to see this little dude and celebrate his arrival with his parents, and I look forward to all the memories to come.

Because I was deep into hibernation mode and because I was very much in an audiobook mood, I ended up finishing sixteen (16!) books. My favorite reads were Hood Feminism (a non-fiction book by Mikki Kendall challenging feminism and highlighting issues and needs that tend to be glossed over), The Poet X (a beautifully constructed YA novel by Elizabeth Acevedo told entirely in verse about a girl trying to make sense of who she is, what she wants and her place in the world, A Court of Silver Flames (the newest installment in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas that focuses on Nesta Archeron), Chain of Iron (the forthcoming installment in The Last Hours series by Cassandra Clare that once again details the shenanigans and secrets of a beloved ensemble cast), and a reread of Fable in order to dive into the sequel Namesake (a duology by Adrienne Young that centers around a young woman named Fable who is determined to survive and get the means to join her father's crew but discovers there is a lot more about her life and history that she didn't know).

Here are all the blog posts that went up last month:

Here are all the videos uploaded to the channel:


  1. Congrats on the new nephew!!! Happy March!

  2. New baby!! Congrats -- what a delight! February is my worst month but I didn't do too badly this month -- read five books, I think. I'm so impressed with what you read -- Hood Feminism and The Poet X are both on my TBR -- did you like them as audiobooks? I've two massive knitting projects to finish up, so have been casting about for good audiobooks to listen to while I knit.

  3. I really only listen to audiobooks in my car on the way to work, so when I've been home for remote learning, haven't gotten as many done. I've also been picking up my Animal Crossing again, but usually more towards the beginning of each month to catch up on things I don't have or that are new. I'm hoping for warmer weather to stick around this month as well!
    Lisa Loves Literature


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