March 16, 2020

Tunes & Tales:: Heard It In a Past Life

Wow, but it has been well over a year since the last time I did a Tunes & Tales! I've been itching to bring back this feature for some time, because there are just so many excellent songs and albums that I personally love that I really wanted to shine some light on. This is version 3.0 of Tunes & Tales, friends, where I'll either be sharing about entire albums I'm obsessed with or five tracks that I currently have on repeat. Happy reading & listening, friends!

The first time I ever heard a Maggie Rogers song was when Rachel put Alaska on my radar. It immediately hooked me with its unique vibe, one that feels so specific to Maggie herself. So when Maggie released her full-length album Heard It In a Past Life, I listened to it from start to finish and promptly fell even more in love with her as a musical artist. Maggie's sound is so unique, her lyrics hit me on a level I didn't expect them to (seriously, every time I listen, a different lyric stands out to me) and this album is definitely always on regular rotation for me (especially when I'm traveling, because I discovered during my trips in 2019 that the entire album makes for great plane listening). It's a great record all-around, and it's even cooler to hear her work live, which I highly recommend you do if you should get the chance. 

I love this entire album to pieces, so narrowing it down to my top five tracks was really difficult! Okay, maybe the first two weren't so difficult since they've both been on this list since the start, but the last three are constantly changing depending on the mood I'm in. Without further ado, five tracks and five book recs are coming your way!

Song: Light On
Book: The Bromance Book Club
Lyrics: "And do you believe me now/that I always had the best intentions, babe?/Always wanted to stay/Can you feel me now/that I'm vulnerable in oh-so many ways?/Oh, and I'll never change"
Alexa's Thoughts: This is 100% the track I've listened to the most! It is an anthem, and a love letter, and I'm obsessed with it still. I picked out this second chance romance to pair with it, because the sentiment of the story matches perfectly with the feel of the song.

Song: Retrograde
Lyrics: "Oh, here I am, settling, crying out/Finding all the things that I can't do without/Oh, now I am giving in/Oh, I'm in retrograde"
Alexa's Thoughts: Yes, yes, another second chance romance, but it does seem rather fitting to pair one with a song that's all about being in retrograde. Just as the song evokes a sense of nostalgia (and the pain and pleasure of it), this story tackles the highs and lows of this couple's relationship.

Song: Fallingwater
Book: Chain of Gold (my review)
Lyrics: "Hold on, I thought that I was doing so well/Oh, like everything was under a spell/Now it's getting harder/I never loved you fully in the way I could/I fought the current running just the way you would/And now I'm in the creek/And it's getting harder/I'm like falling water"
Alexa's Thoughts: I love the way this song sounds. It feels so transporting and melancholy, and it's an addicting listen. I had to go and pair it with one of my favorite 2020 fantasy reads, simply because it just feels like a natural match for a number of individual character journeys in the tale.

Song: Burning
Lyrics: "And you said/Let me help you wake you up/Let me help you break you up/Let me help you open up/I'm in love/I'm alive/Oh, I'm burning"
Alexa's Thoughts: This track snuck its way on to my favorites list, but now I can't imagine it not being there. The song itself is so great, particularly the way it sounds. And I definitely felt like it would pair well with one of my favorite romance reads in the last couple of years!

Book: Little Universes
Song: Overnight
Lyrics: "And I've always said/I'd never let myself hold on this long/'Cause people change overnight/Things get strange, I'm alright/I'm still here/I'm still high/And I'll still meet you in the middle of the night/But if you lie to me, lie to me/Lie to me/I'm gone"
Song: On and Off
Lyrics: "I'm coming up slowly/I'm high on emotion/With waves of this feeling/As light as the ocean/And then I see you/When I feel like I'm drowning/And then I see you/It's okay, it's okay, I'm okay, I'm alright again/It's okay, I'm okay, it's okay"

Alexa's Thoughts: Did I just pair two songs with one book? Yes, yes, I did. And for good reason! Both of these tracks (Overnight has always been a catchier track that I enjoyed, while On and Off is one that had to grow on me.) just feel like strong matches for this 2020 release that completely blew me away with its complex, nuanced look at two sisters whose lives are completely upended by tragedy.


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