The first time Adam and Zayneb notice each other is en route to Doha, Qatar. Their paths diverge upon their arrival at their destination, and that would have been the end of things… until they discover they have a mutual acquaintance. Their friendship blossoms organically from that point, but there are things that they keep hidden from each other, things that they will need to find the strength to face on their own first. Like Zayneb’s anger at hateful people like her teacher, and how a confrontation with him led to her suspension. Like Adam’s diagnosis with multiple sclerosis, the illness his mother died from and accordingly, the secret he is now keeping from his father and younger sister. In a life filled with marvels and oddities, will these two teens be able to find their way forward?

Did you keep a journal as a kid? I do have journals from my younger years, and I still keep a journal (of sorts) up until today. I used to merely use it as a way to record whatever I did or ate in a day (I was oddly specific about food), but these days, I only write when I'm in the grip of very strong emotional upheavals (in ways both good and bad).
Love from A to Z by S.K. Ali | Publisher: Salaam Reads | Publication Date: April 30, 2019 | Source: e-galley downloaded from NetGalley (Thank you!)
Lark has always played it smart when it comes to high school romance: date boys briefly, let them down gently (or better yet, convince them that they want to break up with her) so you stay friends and then move on. Her best friends Cooper and Katie have had enough with her antic and challenge her to break her pattern by giving herself – or the boy – a chance to really fall in love with her next relationship. Enter Ardy, the mysterious “undateable” new boy in their school, who just might be the guy that breaks Lark’s current dating patterns…

What was your favorite high school batch activity that was not prom? I got to do a lot of fun stuff when I was in high school (including a Disney movie play-musical recreation contest, a play based on Greek mythology, hosting for some intercity and national events, our senior tribute), but my favorite event of all has to be the revue we put on in our junior year. My favorite teacher (who I met up with in London last year) was a theater fan, and he came up with the fun idea of getting our entire batch involved in staging a production – just for fun. We had long days of rehearsals (where we were excused from classes), spent hours designing costumes and props and sets and it was so worth it just to have this fun show I can look back on fondly now.
Hearts Made for Breaking by Jen Klein | Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers | Publication Date: April 30, 2019 | Source: e-galley downloaded from NetGalley (Thank you!)
Great reviews! I'm hoping to get to Love From A to Z this week, and this review made me even more excited to pick it up! I used to journal all the time, but now I just keep a small gratitude journal and I write things out when I'm feeling overwhelmed or anxious which it helps me figure out what's causing the feelings.