December 18, 2018

To Whatever End • Kingdom of Ash

It’s been six years since the release of Throne of Glass. It’s been six years since I first fell in love with the story of an assassin, a competition, corrupt rulers and even more corrupt magic. It’s been six years since I started reading this series, and I still feel like it’s so unreal that Kingdom of Ash - the finale in this fantasy series - was released this year. I still can’t believe I devoured that nearly thousand page finale so quickly, and still can’t believe that this story has finally come to an end. But I’m not surprised that I was incredibly emotionally invested (and subsequently devastated and enchanted) by Kingdom of Ash.

Kingdom of Ash is, essentially, the novel that ties all the plot threads together as it brings Aelin’s story (and the stories of her chosen family, friends and allies) to a close. It primarily focuses on the final battle for Terrasen and its allies, the mission to destroy the Wyrdkeys and the journey to rescue Aelin from Queen Maeve. 

While I’ve tried to figure out which of the plot threads was a particular favorite for me, I actually honestly can tell you that I really enjoyed jumping from one to the next to the next. Because I’ve had so much time to really get invested in each of these characters, I was really into discovering how each of their stories would play out. And their stories, their journeys, their relationships with each other, everything about them really, made me incredibly emotional (to the point where I was just sobbing my eyes out for most of this book). There’s just something magical about the way Sarah brought these characters to life and made them feel so real to me (with their very much “in the gray zone” personalities), and it really contributed to how much I loved this story.

I already said that I sobbed my eyes out reading this novel, but I’m not kidding when I tell you that I spent pretty much ¾ of the book just crying my eyes out. And I mean full-on sobbing on my bed, tears and snot all over my face. I just cared so deeply about every single thing that happened in this tale, and there were too many moments that punched me in the feels in all sorts of ways. It was tremendously emotional to be able to accompany Aelin for the last leg of her journey (and all the other wonderful characters in this story too), and I’m so thrilled that I really loved how it all turned out.

I’d be hard-pressed to pick a favorite character, line, moment or book, because this series as a whole just means a ton to me. I personally love the Throne of Glass series so damn much (and I explain a little bit more as to why here), and it’s cemented itself as my favorite series I’ve read as an adult. Kingdom of Ash was a fitting, well-written, engaging conclusion to an incredible series, and I am so in awe of how Sarah just wrapped it all up. (I also can’t wait to reread it and be emotionally devastated yet again, even though I know what’s coming.)

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas | Series: Throne of Glass #7
Publisher: Bloomsbury YA | Publication Date: October 23, 2018
Source: Purchased the hardcover, Kindle book and audiobook


  1. I just started this book yesterday! I'm super excited. This is one of my favorite series out there!

  2. I am so so very happy for you love, that you loved this final book so much :D YAY! Thrilled for you that it was the best for you. <3 Hugs. Your thoughts are awesome :)

  3. I took my time and slowly read this book...(kinda of, towards the end I didn't stop reading lol) I am so happy for the ending and all of the things that happened. I am going to miss this series so much. So glad that you enjoyed and loved it as well! My favorite book series ever too!

  4. So did I. I cried my eyes out. I just finished it last night and I'm still a wreck. THis series will stay with me forever.
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review


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