November 16, 2018

Macky Reads Twilight of the Elves

(Alexa's Note: If you haven't yet read the first book in this series, The Adventurers Guild, you may want to go over to check out Macky's review for it! Otherwise, carry on.)

Once again, the “me and my friends save the world” genre has done it for me.

I cannot say enough how much I enjoyed reading this. It has the weight of having a whole first book to know and love the characters, while having the absolute genius of opening up the world a bit more and having our guys be set up to do even greater things. 

Still at the center of the story are Brock and Zed, two best friends reeling from the decisions they made in the previous book, while being celebrated (and full-fledged) adventurers. The friends around them are as brilliant and lovely as ever, brought to life in four dimensions by the dialogue and plot. 

Moreover, there are so many familiar fantasy elements here that I could have sworn this is a secret love song to tabletop role-playing games. It’s perhaps just my own newfound love of Dungeons and Dragons that’s coloring my view of this tale and its elements, but I swear that when the book goes into endgame, any RPG lovers will enjoy the game elements that have found their way into the story. Would I be surprised if I found out Zack Loran Clark and Nick Eliopulos actually played table top RPGs? Not in the slightest. 

What I also did not find surprising (and relished at that) is how consistently well-written this is, which is consistent in both books. If anything, the story is better and the style has been refined in this sequel. I could not put this book down!

A word of warning though, as this is a second book of what I hope is a series of a great many book - there is a cliffhanger. Not the kind where you want to run screaming for the hills and begging the book overlords to have mercy on your fandom psyche, but its enough to make you freak out just enough to need the next installment.

Twilight of the Elves comes out November 15, so if you have read already read the first one, grab it! And if you haven't read the first, grab'em both!

Twilight of the Elves by Zack Loran Clark and Nick Eliopulos
Series: The Adventurers Guild #2 | Previous Book in Series: The Adventurers Guild
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion | Publication Date: November 13, 2018
Source: ARC received from the publisher (Thank you!)


  1. This cover is all kinds of stunning, ahh :D I love it. And sounds like a great series too. I'm glad you loved this second book Macky :) Awesome review.


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