September 15, 2018

Alexa's Adventures #10 | Blue Box Cafe, The Little Mermaid + Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

While I'm pretty consistent about updating my Instagram to share all the fun things I've been up to, I realized that it had been a while since I'd managed to do that for the blog. (It's been a little while since I've blogged, really.) Since I'm feeling inspired to pick up the ol' blogging habit properly again today, I thought it'd be fun to start off by sharing a few fun things that I've done in real life this month!

Maman + Blue Box Cafe
Rachel & I kicked off our September with a girls' day out together. We grabbed a quick breakfast at Maman (a place we love visiting, and would happily return to), got new manicures at Paintbox (which is also a place we adore, though things can get a bit pricey) and finished off the day with a visit to the Blue Box Cafe in Tiffany's on 5th Ave. We've been wanting to visit since it first opened, but getting a reservation can be really tough! I'm so glad it finally happened, as it's a charming little cafe decorated in Tiffany blue and white. The food was delicious (I'm partial to the waffle), the tea was equally yummy and the views from the windows were a delight.

The Little Mermaid Rooftop Movie Night
I'd never actually seen a movie on a rooftop in the city until this month! Rachel is the one who discovered that they would be doing a screening of The Little Mermaid at SkyLawn, and since she and DJ and I all share a mutual love of mermaids and nostalgic love for this film, we decided to go. We ate dinner at the indoor seating area (the service was so-so, but the food was delicious), before plopping into the chairs and settling in to watch the film (with headphones for better sound quality too). I really enjoyed the experience and would definitely do it again!

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Parts 01 and 02)
I finally had the pleasure of going to see this show with Macky and Mel after booking the tickets months ago. I'd really enjoyed the script when it was released in novel form, but it was nothing compared to how much I adored the show. The production is magical, the cast is excellent (particularly Scorpius) and the theater itself transports you out of the city and into a whole new world. I definitely would go and see it again, should I ever get the opportunity to!

- Rach and I had an ice cream date at Stax Ice Cream. I'd been before (with one of the other Rachels in my life), but it was a lovely second visit! I had a scoop each of jasmine tea and earl grey tea ice cream, topped with Oreos on French vanilla cone. Unsurprisingly, it was delicious!
- Macky and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary. Time has just seriously flown by. I can't believe it's been five years since we got hitched in a church in front of our family and friends, but I'm really excited about it... and the many more to come.
- I got to moderate the As She Ascends launch party at One More Page. It worked out that I was able to go and visit my friend Jodi Meadows in Virginia last weekend, which was just in time for the launch of her sequel. I'm excited that I got to spend time with her, visit One More Page (which is so cute and the staff is wonderful) and actually host her event.
- I met Christina Lauren (again) at their event at Strand Bookstore. DJ, Rachel & I all attended their event together, and it was delightful seeing these two ladies again. They are serious friendship goals, writing inspiration and just all-around wonderful human beings. I can't wait to read their latest release, because it sounds right up my alley!


  1. OMG, I just saw The Cursed Child for the first time last month in London! Isn't it just amazing? I adored every minute of it and would totally go to see it again too!

  2. I love following you on instagram :D You post so so much amazing. <3 Hugs. And ahh, yay for sharing about it all here too :D Love that you are always getting to do so much fun. <3


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