March 31, 2018

March 2018

On the one hand, I cannot believe it's officially the last day of March. On the other hand, so much has happened this month that I shouldn't be surprised at all. It's been one hell of a time, and I'm so, so glad that I've been blessed with the ability to experience all of these fun things with so many of the folks that I adore in real life. This is not to say, however, that March was all sunshine and rainbows; I've been having a terrible emotional upheaval over life-related things and anxiety over others and dealing with that in the middle of all the wonderful. It's still not quite settled internally for me, but I'm hoping that I keep on moving onward and upward as the year goes by.

I kicked off the month of March in the most epic way with a trip to Iceland with my bestie Rachel of Hello, Chelly. We spent just under a week exploring Reykjavik and a couple of other areas, and it was one of the most surreal, most beautiful experiences of my life! Upon my return, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend a screening of Love, Simon with Kristin of Super Space Chick, and it is such a delightful adaptation, y'all, so you better go and see it. The week after, I went down to DC for an overnight trip with Rachel & DJ to attend ApollyCon, and that was a delight as well! I also ended up having Korean BBQ with the fam, grabbing tea with Lili at Alice's Teacup and finishing off the month with a visit to Stax Ice Cream.

Of the thirty (!!! I honestly didn't think I would be reading so much with all the travel, but I was totally wrong about that) novels and manga that I read this month, these seven were my favorites of the bunch. (Also, I've been on a major romance binge, so if you have any recommendations, I'm ready to hear them!) The books I'm featuring are: Blurred Lines | The Woman Who Rides Like A Man (a reread!) | Orange: Future (such a good companion sequel!) | The Ancient Magus Bride, Vol. 1 (an incredible series starter!) | Dirty Rowdy Thing | Dark Wild Night | Aru Shah and the End of Time

If you've missed out on anything on this blog or our channel, this section is for you! This section is always a part of my monthly recaps, just so you won't miss out on any of last month's content.


  1. Alexa! I adore your new blog design, it is gorgeous! I'm sorry to hear you've been having some anxiety producing happenings in your personal life, but I'm glad you've been able to find moments of happiness despite the anxiety and I am sending you all of the good vibes <3

  2. Ahh, March was SO busy for you :D And so so so awesome. I'm completely jealous, haha. <3 And Iceland :D All of it sounds like it was so amazing. And eee, I loved Black Panther. <3 And hoping to love Love, Simon as well :) Hope April will be so wonderful for you sweetie. <3

  3. Wow, ICELAND! I'm so happy you guys had such a great time. Traveling with friends is the best experience! Also, I cannot believe you read THIRTY books in one month ... you are a reading machine!!! I'm hoping to read ARU SHAH this month, so hearing that it was one of your favorites makes me eager to get started!

    I know how badly anxiety can take over what we choose to do, so I hope there's something bigger that you can focus on! Hang in there!


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