March 5, 2018

Alexa's Adventures #8

One of the things that I'm proudest of about last month is the fact that I managed to work out a fair bit. I'm not one for regular exercise (which is rather unfortunate, as I'm always wanting to be physically fit and develop better endurance), but this month, for some reason, I just found myself actually willing to engage in physical activity. While I'm not sure I'll stick to doing Blogilates for March, I'm going to definitely see if I can keep up the workout mode through the month of March.

Speaking of working out, snowboarding was definitely a workout of the best variety. I'm quite proud of my progress in that sport! I was really able to snowboard multiple times down the slopes without falling, and in complete control of myself and the board, and I totally get the high that my sister Mel gets from doing it. I'm really hoping to make it happen more next winter season, including even thinking about investing in actual equipment. (If you want to see video evidence, check out last week's vlog!)

I missed out on a few book events this month (The Belles launch party, Tempests and Slaughter event & The Serpent's Secret event), but the two that I was able to attend were pretty phenomenal. Rachel and I trekked on over to Books Are Magic in Brooklyn to be at the Meet Cute event, where authors Jocelyn Davies, Ibi Zoboi, Dhonielle Clayton, Katie Cotugno and Kass Morgan read from their stories and discussed their inspirations and recommendations. And towards the end of the month, I was able to attend the launch event for Heart of Iron at Books of Wonder, where authors Ashley Poston and Melissa Grey discussed the book, their work and fandoms (which was awesome)! I can't wait for more events to come this year, and there are definitely a few bookish ones I'm so excited for.

February is also my sister Rachel's birthday month! Apart from the traditional birthday salubong we had at midnight, we also ended up venturing over to Black Tap for burgers and milkshakes, which was a delight. And speaking of birthdays, I also got to go to brunch at The Writing Room to celebrate my friend Lili's birthday! I didn't get to snap a photo this go around, sadly, but we were seated in a room filled with bookshelves and it was so, so cool.

Other things that happened this month include ice cream dates, dinners with friends, a spur of the moment bookshelf organization day, filing taxes (adulthood, yay!), a surprise visit to the inside of the Flatiron Building (which was awesome) and putting the final touches on my preparations for my Iceland trip with Rachel (which we are currently on by the time this post goes up). 

I also happened to finish a lot of things that gave me strong feels including From Up on Poppy Hill, Bleach (the anime, not the manga, though I've been spoiled terrifically for the latter), Fruits Basket (the manga, not the anime, though I plan to indulge in that soon) and To Kill a Kingdom... all of which made me very prone to screaming, inspired a shit ton of fic (in my head and stuff I've actually written down) and just make me very, very happy. I just find such tremendous joy in letting all my fangirl feels out, and I'm happy that I've reached that point in my life, you know?

I've been keeping busy, that's for sure, but I honestly think that this is only the tip of the iceberg, as there are so, so many things that I've already got coming up in March (starting with this trip I'm on now, of course). Cheers to life being full of all the experiences! I'd love to hear how your February was, and what your favorite memory you've made is too, so please share in the comments.


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