March 24, 2018

3 Things I Want To Do With My Photos This Year (+ Flash Drive Giveaway)

During my trip to Iceland, I took a lot of photos. It's such a gorgeous country, with plenty of landscape scenery that draws the eye and I wanted to capture it as best I could (though nothing really does it justice because seeing it in person is an entirely different thing). Anyway, it's been two weeks since the trip and I'm finally getting around to deciding what I want to do with the photos! I'm usually pretty relaxed about my photos and just store them (on hard drives and flash drives, but more on that in a moment). But this year, I want to use my photos for more than just digital memories. Here are three things I plan to do within the next month (and for future trips)!

1. Print copies of my favorite photos. This is easily the cheapest and the most convenient thing to do with my photos. I have a frame or two that could use a fresh new photo to replace what's currently in it, and I also enjoy tucking photos into my journal when I reflect on the things I've done (though I use the HP Sprocket for that).

2. Pick one photo to use for a canvas print. This is also an easily accomplished task, but it will cost me a little more to get it done. In our apartment, we have a few walls decorated with art and photos from our travels and memories and I'd love to add an Iceland landscape (most likely one of the glacier lagoons!) into the mix.

3. Create an Iceland photo book. While this will require more of a time commitment and will also cost me a little more, I really want to do this! My friends Kelly and Rachel both have growing collections of photo books for all their trips, and I'd love to be able to have a similar collection. I'll definitely be doing it for Iceland, but I also want to do it for a couple of previous trips too.

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, I store my photos on a number of drives. (Because, honestly, you can never back up enough.) We have a shared cloud drive, I have a hard drive and, of course, I have flash drives for portability. Anyway, speaking of flash drives, I had a really cool opportunity to partner with USBMemory Direct recently. While I don't make daily use of these drives the way I did when I was still in university (those were the days!), I still find it handy to carry one around with me in the off chance I'll need it to store or save files in a handy way. 

They sent me over a couple of flash drives with my blog branding and in the shape of a book (and customizing it was such an easy process), and they're pretty awesome! Because I have extras, I thought it'd be fun to host a giveaway for my readers. I'll be giving away three 8GB drives, and all you need to do is enter via the Rafflecopter form below!

You should definitely hop on over to the USBMemory Direct website, where you'll get a chance to browse their many options for customizable USB flash drives (and here's a direct link to the book one). I've been using one of my own flash drives, and it's been holding up pretty well to store photos, videos and documents.


  1. I love making photobooks! I've made several of photobooks through Shutterfly, which have turned out really well... I have even given photobooks as gifts to family members over the years as well.

  2. Ohh, I love this :D Yessss for planning on printing photos. <3 And making a photobook too. That is so awesome, and worth it too :D I love taking pictures as well, and love that you are taking so many too. <3 And sharing them, eee :D And ohh! Thank you for this amazing giveaway :D International. Yay. I would love to win; I have so so so many things on my laptop, and having extra flashdrives are the best :)

  3. I've started making a photobook everytime I go on holiday: I love that I'm going to have that physical reminder of those trips forever. I love looking back at all the old photo albums my parents used to make, I figure this is the new that!!

  4. I stress out all the time fearing I will lose my photos on my computers, phone, etc. Obviously we can't print them all out but they are nice to have.


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