The Love-a-Thon is an annual event that has been running since 2012, and it's continued to grow in the five years since then. It's meant to encourage positivity, form and strengthen relationships and to just be a whole lot of fun. This year, I'm co-hosting with Cee of The Novel Hermit, Kristin of Super Space Chick & Mel of The Daily Prophecy! (P.S. If you're only discovering this event today, please know that you're still welcome to sign up to be a part of it!)
We're finally on to our last mini-challenge for this year's event! Cee was the mastermind behind the dream tea party challenge from last year, and she's come up with one that's similar but with a new goal in mind - a dream road trip. Tell us where you'd go, what you'd do, who'd you bring and more! If you want to be entered in the giveaway for this challenge, please link us to your post for the challenge over at The Novel Hermit. Don't fret if you're not awake yet, as the linky will be open through February 20!

Even though I don't drive nowadays (I know how to, but I haven't gotten my US license just yet and I really haven't driven in years), I love road trips. Even though it's not necessarily the most comfortable of scenarios, I've always found traveling on the road really magical. If I were planning my ideal road trip, I'd love to travel to Canada - specifically Niagara Falls, Montreal and Whistler Mountain. I've never been to Canada before, but it looks beautiful and I'm all about small, bustling cities and mountainous landscapes.
"Niagara Falls winter" by dvdmnk / "Mountain views" by kcxd / "Montreal" by abdallahh licensed under C.C. by 2.0
We'd take a big ol' SUV (maybe a Jeep Grand Cherokee?), stuff it silly with pillows and blankets, snacks, and a cooler with drinks, and an iPod specially prepared with songs for the trip. I'd definitely dress comfortably - leggings, an oversized sweater, sneakers, with a scarf, tank top, fuzzy socks, boots, fuzzy hat all tucked away if things got cooler.
I honestly think I'd only take along real life folk on this trip - Macky (my husband), Mel (my sister), Rachel from Hello Chelly and Kelly from Belle of the Literati. We'd have a grand old time exploring, taking photos, chatting way too late into the night and just hanging out, and I generally feel like it would be a very jovial atmosphere.

Don't forget to link us to your post over at The Novel Hermit to be entered in the giveaway!
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