February 19, 2017

2017 Love-a-Thon: Day Two

It's day two of the Love-a-Thon! I hope everyone has been having a good time so far, no matter how much you've been able to participate this weekend. (P.S. If you're only discovering this event today, please know that you're still welcome to sign up to be a part of it!)

The Love-a-Thon is an annual event that has been running since 2012, and it's continued to grow in the five years since then. It's meant to encourage positivity, form and strengthen relationships and to just be a whole lot of fun. This year, I'll be co-hosting the event with Cee of The Novel HermitKristin of Super Space Chick & Mel of The Daily Prophecy! I'm really excited to share all of our hard work with you, and am excited to have our event once again be a multi-platform affair. 

Before you start visiting the participant's social media accounts today (links can be found here), I wanted to take a moment to remind you guys of what there is to look forward to today. Here's a basic overview of the challenges and chats on the schedule for today:

6AM EST: Mini-Challenge #5: X Meets Y (hosted by Mel of The Daily Prophecy)
10AM EST: Mini-Challenge #6: Valentines Care Package (hosted by Kristin of Super Space Chick)
11AM-12PM EST: Twitter Chat #3 (hosted by Cee of The Novel Hermit)
3PM EST: Mini-Challenge #7: Let Me Sing You a Love Song (hosted by yours truly!)
7PM EST: Mini-Challenge #8: On the Road (Trip)! (hosted by Cee of The Novel Hermit)
8-10PM EST: Twitter Chat #4 (hosted by yours truly!)

Happy Love-a-Thon, folks!


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