At the start of every single year, I come up with a list of things that I would very much like to accomplish by end of it. It's always really helpful for me when I'm thinking about how I would like my year to be, and I thought I'd share my goals for 2017 today! I'm sharing my latest BookTube video, but you can also read all about them below.

1. Save. This is a goal that tends to always pop up on my list. I finally managed to get farther than I ever have before last year, and I'm inspired to keep at it in this upcoming year. I'm sincerely hoping to start that nice little nest egg for Macky & I & any children we will have in the future.
2. Pay off my credit cards. In order to fully feel like I'm free from the burden of having to count all my pennies, I would love to be able to clear out the remaining credit cards that I need to pay off. I'll admit to being a little too spend-happy this year, but hopefully, I can curb that in 2017.
3. Finish the duology I have in my head. I actually came up with an idea for a contemporary duology in late October, but haven't set aside the time to write it yet. I definitely plan on writing and finishing both books in 2017, especially because I've decided to be more intentional with how I divide my time.
4. Be more personal. I used to write a bunch of posts about my own personal life and the things I've loved that weren't necessarily bookish. I'm aiming to try to share at least one personal post a month, whether it's just to tell you guys what I've been up to, to share some of my own reflections or to point out a few favorites that you might have missed out on.
5. Take more photographs. I love sharing pretty photos on my Instagram account, and it's been a real joy to figure out what sort of style works best for me. I'm hoping to be able to share more of my own photos consistently on Instagram and on this blog.
4. Be more personal. I used to write a bunch of posts about my own personal life and the things I've loved that weren't necessarily bookish. I'm aiming to try to share at least one personal post a month, whether it's just to tell you guys what I've been up to, to share some of my own reflections or to point out a few favorites that you might have missed out on.
5. Take more photographs. I love sharing pretty photos on my Instagram account, and it's been a real joy to figure out what sort of style works best for me. I'm hoping to be able to share more of my own photos consistently on Instagram and on this blog.
6. Read fifty (50) books for the 2017 Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge. Rachel & I are co-hosting this reading challenge once again this year (Find out more and sign up here!), and I'm excited to get more fantasy reading under my belt. This is a pretty relaxed goal, considering I read way more than that in 2016.
7. Complete the 2017 PopSugar Reading Challenge. I really enjoyed taking on last year's PopSugar Reading Challenge, because it helped me be a bit more diverse in my book choices. I'm definitely planning on doing my best to complete this year's challenge. (You can find out more here!)
8. Read at least one (1) #ownvoices / diverse book a month. Diversity, and the representation of it, is really important, both in real life and in the books I read. I would definitely like to ensure that I'm reading more diversely than I was before, so I'm planning to specifically concentrate on making that happen regularly in 2017. I'll be joining in on the 2017 Diverse Reading Challenge, and you can find out more about it here.
9. Read at least one (1) non-fiction book a month. I remember, when I was a bit younger, I enjoyed indulging in history books, autobiographies and more self-reflective type non-fiction pieces. I'd really like to read more non-fiction, and get a wee bit out of my comfort zone.
10. Read at least one (1) classic a month. I failed at this last year, but my determination to do so hasn't wavered just yet. I'd really like to expand the amount of classics I have read, and not just children's classics either. It would be nice to get a bit of a dent into my classics TBR, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to make it happen.
11. Read Les Miserables. Now this, my friends, is truly a more personal goal than anything else. My cousin Carmela has read this classic multiple times and truly loves it, and I'm eager to try and get it read so we can really talk about it. Yes, I've seen the show and the film, but obviously, that's not the same as actually reading the words. I'll be breaking the book up into chunks by month and hopefully, by the end of the year, it will have been read.
12. Whittle down my TBR to 30 books or less. I'm really hoping that 2017 will be the year I finally (sort of) conquer my personal TBR. I've pretty much maintained the number since last year (150 books, give or take), but it would be really nice to get it down to something much more manageable. Armed with multiple approaches (the Picky Pledge Reading Challenge with Hannah, my book buddy reading with Lindsey and participating in the #RockMyTBR Reading Challenge), I'm hoping to put a serious dent in that pile.
13. Upload videos twice a week. I'm still going to be sticking to my schedule of uploading videos at least twice a week. It works for me, in terms of how relaxed I tend to be about filming, and I'd just like to keep that consistent. I've been having a lot of fun with my channel, and I look forward to filming and sharing more videos with everyone.
14. Review and feature at least one (1) #ownvoices / diverse book and one (1) fantasy book a month. I'd love to use my various online accounts to share the love for diverse titles. I've always wanted my blog (and all other social media I use) to be a way for readers to find more books to love and enjoy, and it would mean a lot to me if I could share books that reflect a variety of cultures, genders, belief systems, bodies and more. And, for fantasy, I really think this would be both fun for me and helpful for my readers, especially those who are participating in the 2017 Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge. I'd like to highlight the fantasy books I've read and loved and would recommend, and hopefully, readers will find something new to try.
15. Collaborate with other people for events and features. One of my favorite things about the online community is discovering people who share my tastes and visions. I'm super excited to hint that there are definitely collaborations already afoot for 2017, and I'm sincerely hoping that you'll all stick around to check them out!
What are your goals for 2017?
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