It's New York Comic Con week! I'm likely enjoying the last day of the con, and I promise that you guys will be hearing about the experience next week. In the meantime, why not click on some of the links below and let me (or the blogger in question) know what you think?
- There's nothing quite as fun as witnessing a hate-to-love romance blossom, and Gillian talks about why she personally enjoys them. (I can tell you now that I 100% agree with her.) What kind of romance is your favorite?
- I'm a huge fan of the various series that Jen runs on her blog, but I'm really particularly excited about Raise Your Voice. It's an event dedicated to highlighting some excellent #ownvoices and diverse book titles with excellent representation, and the author line-up is insane. Check it out!
- Are you looking for suggestions about what to do when you've got some ARCs (or even books) that you're looking to get rid of? Lili has a list of suggestions for you. Personally, I usually try to pass mine on to friends first; otherwise, I donate to a friend's library collection.
- On the hunt for books narrated by a villain/antihero character? Cait has you covered. (I also quite liked her reasons for enjoying villains in her reads, and I find that I feel similarly.) (Cait also shared a few snippets from a book she wrote last month, and I think you guys will enjoy them as much as I did!)
- Lauren talks about deviating from your TBR, and her experiences lately doing so (which have been really good for the most part). We actually are very similar when it comes to picking out the books we read, especially with the craving to deviate from our "set" TBRs lately. Do you pick out your TBR ahead of time or go with impulsive book choices?
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