It's been way too long since I've been able to do one of these posts. Summer days (and summer laziness) is getting to me, and I've been away from my computer (and home) more often than not; I finally had a chance to sit down and read through all the unread posts that have been gathering dust in Feedly. I decided that I'd share some of my favorites with y'all today!
- Do you ever notice how you might read certain books (or even certain genres) faster than others? Alexia muses about how her reading speed doesn't always correlate to how much she's enjoying a book.
- I personally haven't really listened to all that many audiobooks, and when I do, it's usually for a reread. Brittany has a list of some of her favorite audiobook narrators, and there are definitely a few I'm taking note of to try listening to in the future!
- I haven't watched a lot of literary web series (only The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Emma Approved, which are both fabulous). But I definitely see a few I'd like to check out in Gillian's post filled with literary web series recommendations.
- I am, primarily, a book blogger, and majority of my content is on this here blog. But I also employ various social media as a means of being a part of this community too. Lisa and Becca muse on the balance between all these mediums.
- Many of us like to comment on the "special snowflake" trope, but Cait takes it one step further and asks if this trope needs to be retired. I'd love to hear what you think on this! I'm not always a fan of this trope myself, but sometimes, it winds up working out.
- I often struggle with the idea of a TBR that I can never finish (and when I saw TBR, I am talking about books I actually own). But Josephine makes an excellent point about how having so many options means you'll always have something to read for any occasion.
- I've always said that reading books enriches your life. This article goes one step further and talks about how reading can lead to longer life.
- I love sharing my favorite books with people I know in real life. Cait has a few suggestions for how to recommend books to other readers, and it's a hilarious and honest list for sure!
- Kelly Jensen shares her thoughts on why YA needs more quitters.
- Kelly shares her dos and don'ts when it comes to travel. Her tips are definitely similar to my own thoughts on what I should and shouldn't do when I go on a trip.
- Lucy shares a few thoughts on how to read classics. I love this video because it makes me feel like reading classics is a more manageable activity. I've always hesitated because I'm intimidated by length or writing style, but I'm going to definitely give Lucy's tips a go and see where it takes me.
- Cait asks: do you give authors a second chance? I'm usually willing to give them one more chance to impress me (especially if they write something in a different genre), but after that, I just let it go and decide they aren't for me. What about you?
- Looking for books set in good ol' England? Kelly has you covered with an awesome list of book recommendations to check out.
- For all my bloggers out there - do you ever think about your read:review ratio? Cristina shared her own thoughts on this in a very thoughtful post, and it got me thinking about my own habits. Personally, I love telling you all about the books I read, so I generally review everything (except my rereads). But lately, my reviews have been just a touch shorter than usual or mini reviews - and that style has really wound up working for me. What's your take on reviewing what you've read?
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