August 31, 2016

August 2016 + (Flights of Fantasy August Linky)

Honestly, I feel like I blinked and my birthday month was over! I'm a little sad that this month of celebration (and yes, I celebrate in many different ways all month) is coming to an end. But I'm really looking forward to autumn! It's possibly my favorite season (I can never choose between summer and autumn - and you can't make me), and I can't wait to have cooler weather, holiday drinks and sweaters+tights+boots!

This month was pretty much all go, go, go for me. I basically had things booked for nearly every single day - though I honestly can't complain because it was all so much fun! Highlights of the month include visiting the Museum of Ice Cream, my Harry Potter-themed birthday celebration, Boston Comic Con, seeing Jana Kramer again, rediscovering my love for swimming, wedding sessions and seeing An American in Paris. (If you guys thought I was over meeting some of my favorites at Boston Comic Con... You'd be wrong.)

I think my brain was a little undecided about how this reading month would look. The first half of the month was fairly slow, as I barely managed to finish five books. But the second half? I read like a madwoman, tearing through stories and pages like nobody's business and finishing a lot of books. Yay for reading more of the books I've got! Here are my favorite reads from this month:


Hello fellow fantasy lovers! How is your reading for the Flights of Fantasy challenge coming along? I haven't stopped reading fantasies as the days of this year roll by. I've read 3 new fantasy novels this month (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Kushiel's Dart, Labyrinth Lost) and reread 2 fantasy novels as well (The Queen of the Tearling and The Invasion of the Tearling). Let us know how you've been doing, and link up to your updates, recaps and reviews below! (And if you still want to sign up, please feel free to do so. It's a no pressure reading challenge where you set your own goals and we'd love to have you.)


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