June 19, 2016

The Sunday Mix #30

I do so love finding interesting stuff online to share with you lot! This week's links are a mix between some fun lists, helpful tips and interesting discussions, and I hope you find something that suits your fancy. If you've got any links or posts that you want to sure, please feel free to do so in the comments!
  • If you're interested in starting up your own bookstagram (a bookish Instagram account), Alexandra shares five basic tips. You guys should definitely take them into account because she's one of the best bookstagrammers I know!
  • Cristina discusses her newfound appreciation for e-books. While I'm always personally partial to physical reads (because I love how they feel in my hands), I do appreciate the ease and convenience of being able to read books and galleys on my phone or Kindle.
  • Hannah shares why she loves reading, and I've got to say that she nails it. She mentions so many of my own reasons for loving books and reading; she also hits on the good things it's brought into my life - including this community.
  • I've rediscovered my love for the library lately. So, it's no surprise at all really that Lauren's reasons for loving the library struck a chord with me. It is seriously one of the best resources for an avid bookworm who loves books but doesn't necessarily have the money or access to get them regularly.
  • Fantasy is my go-to genre, and Gillian nails the reasons to love it. Or, as Belle might put it, these are about "far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise". Do you read fantasies?
  • Brittany muses about stepping back from ARCs (advanced reader copies). It's a mindset I can respect since I've been working hard to find a better balance between review copies and my own books when it comes to my reading life. 
  • What exactly does it mean to be a book blogger? Cait explains it all. While I certainly enjoy blogging and I love writing posts, I have to admit that it's certainly a lot of work too. 
  • If you need a few tips for time management, Alexandra shares some of her time management suggestions. I generally love using to do lists and schedules to make sure I get most things done on time, though I also try to be flexible enough to accept spontaneous ideas.


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