Five years ago, I clicked publish on my very first blog post. I honestly had no clue what in the world I was doing, save for the basics of actually writing a post and sharing what I thought of the book I’d read. I started this blog to be able to find like-minded people to talk books with, and to share my own opinions. Like many others, I didn’t (and still don’t) have a lot of people in my life to talk books with. But I no longer feel so alone because now I have YOU!
This community has become a home for me, and I am grateful for it. I know it sounds like an exaggeration, but this blog saved me. When I started it, I was going through a dark time in my personal life. But the blog gave me purpose. It gave me a place to express myself. It provided a venue for me to hone, shape and challenge my own self. And best of all, it led me to a family. I’m a sentimental gal, and genuinely appreciate every single thing this blog has brought into my life, but most especially this wonderful, beautiful, diverse online book community I now belong to.
I am so thankful to the publishing people I’ve met and talked to and worked with, who have granted me opportunities I would never have dreamed possible; to the authors, who have been so generous and gracious with their time and their words and their friendship; to the wonderful individuals in this community, who come and regularly visit my blog (and channel) (and my social media accounts), who leave lovely comments or send emails or tweet; to the lovely people who have become some of my best friends in the whole entire universe. This entire blogging experience has been life-changing, and wonderful, and I wouldn’t trade any of it – even when it got hard or complicated or stressful, even when I made mistakes – for the world.
After five years, it’s no surprise that many things have changed on this blog of mine. I’ve always believed in the importance of being authentic with my readers, so I’ve allowed the blog to grow as I’ve grown, to change as I’ve changed. And I will continue to do so! I’d love nothing more than to be blogging for many more years to come, though only time can tell if that will be. In any case, here is to more years of fun and creativity on Alexa Loves Books. Love you all to the ends of the universe!
I wanted to celebrate five whole years of blogging with a giveaway to express my gratitude for each and every single person who has been so wonderful as to follow my blog, chat with me on Twitter and reach out with comments and likes and emails. I'm holding an INTERNATIONAL giveaway where the winner will get $50 to spend on Book Depository. All you need to do is enter via the Rafflecopter form below! (P.S. Please make sure Book Depository ships to your country. If they do not, then you can't enter this giveaway. Sorry!)
I wanted to celebrate five whole years of blogging with a giveaway to express my gratitude for each and every single person who has been so wonderful as to follow my blog, chat with me on Twitter and reach out with comments and likes and emails. I'm holding an INTERNATIONAL giveaway where the winner will get $50 to spend on Book Depository. All you need to do is enter via the Rafflecopter form below! (P.S. Please make sure Book Depository ships to your country. If they do not, then you can't enter this giveaway. Sorry!)
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