Can you believe two weeks have already flown by? We're already nearly halfway through March! I seriously feel like I just blink and it's two weeks and it's time for another one of these posts. Ahem. Anyway, I've really enjoyed all the posts I'm sharing here today! There's a variety of content to pick and choose from, so I hope you find something that strikes your fancy.
- Becca & Lisa share five things (each) they learned from Me Before You. It's been years since I read this one (and I've read it only once), but I love that their insights have really brought me back to how I felt when I finished and have me looking forward to my reread.
- Jodi Meadows talks about duologies versus trilogies. Do you have a preference? I personally could not pick one because I definitely think that I've read some great duologies and also read a ton of trilogies, and I've enjoyed them tremendously.
- Tiffany wrote about the five things she's learned from blogging. Like her, I've definitely learned how to use social media (especially Twitter and Instagram) effectively, and I have also picked up a little bit of HTML knowledge too. What have you learned from blogging?
- Cait makes a case for why books need maps. HELL YES. I love a good map! Especially if I'm reading a fantasy novel set in a new-to-me world, since it helps me navigate in a very visual way. Do you love maps in books?
- I'm constantly linking to posts from Cait but I can't help it, because her posts are always so entertaining. She's sharing things bookworms never want to hear, and I can certainly tell you that I definitely despair of hearing any of these things! I usually get lots of feelings about it, even though I eventually talk myself down...
- I really liked reading Stacey Lee's letter to non-Asian writers. (Full disclosure: Stacey is one of my favorite authors.) I appreciated how she mentioned certain stereotypical portrayals of characters and Asian elements in novels, and I definitely think it's something that authors should read about. (I personally really dislike when authors lump all Asians into one category. There are so many rich, varied Asian cultures, and each one deserves respect.)
- In line with the previous link, here's a list of novels that are inspired by Asian culture when it comes to their characters and settings. I've read Eon (and Eona), Under a Painted Sky and Ink, and I definitely want to check out the rest.
- I've been obsessed with my bullet journal since I started doing it in January, and I love learning new ways to customize it and make it work for me. (The best part of bullet journals, seriously, is being able to tailor it to your personal needs.) Hannah shared this awesome introduction post to simplify bullet journals, and my obsession grew ten times larger!
Have you read any interesting posts recently?
Please share them in the comments, as I'd love to check them out!
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