March 30, 2016

March 2016 (+ Flights of Fantasy March Linky)

Honestly, March was a month where I mostly spent time at home just hanging out with Macky and our friends. It was, in its way, a time to make up for the month we basically spent apart (since Macky had been in North Carolina for work). And it was, also, just a restorative period of time. Except for the part where I got sick. That was certainly a nasty experience. Thankfully, I've fully recovered, and I'm eagerly looking forward to April, particularly because of my upcoming family vacation!


Like I said, I basically just hung out at home a lot. This involved a lot of television shows (we had plenty of catching up to do), walks in our neighborhood (in the sunshine) and spending quality time with people I love. I also spent an entire weekend sick, so that was disheartening. But all in all, it was pretty much a very chill March indeed. Plus, I got into baking, which is always fun! I have a few more baking projects in mind and hope I can make some of them happen in April.

Of the 20 books I read this month, these were my favorites:

Personal | All Good Things
Discussion | On ReReading

Fellow fantasy readers, hi! How has your March been? I hope you've gotten in a ton of fantasy reading this month. I managed to get eight fantasy novels read this month - Longbow Girl, Rebel of the Sands, Behind the Canvas, The Beast, Queen of Hearts, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Edge of Everything and Assassin's Apprentice. Don't forget to link up to your reviews and recaps below! (And for those interested, you can definitely still sign up to join us.)


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