As mentioned in my Throne of Glass Book Tag post, it was this tag that inspired Hannah of So Obsessed With & I to create ours. As part of her Lunar Chronicles (Re)Readalong, Brittany of The Book Addict's Guide came up with this character-centric tag inspired by The Lunar Chronicles. Being a fan of this tag and of this series, I decided it just needed to be one that I did! Plus, Stars Above (the novella collection) comes out tomorrow, so it seemed like just the right time for me to share my answers.
A: Stronger Than You Know is definitely a contemporary YA novel that deserves more attention. It's the story of one girl's incredible journey as she makes peace with her past of abuse, and moves on to a future that's brighter than she could have ever dreamed.
KAI | The prince | a book about royals/royalty
A: What can be better than reading about actual historical royalty? Reading about their fictional offspring, of course. The Boleyn Trilogy presents an alternate history where Anne Boleyn bears a son who grows up to become the future king, and it's delicious scandalous and clever.
ADRI | The evil stepmother | a book with a horrible/cringe-worthy parent
A: I did not, at all, appreciate Elias' mother in An Ember in the Ashes. She's the type of person who appreciates structure and rigidity, and who supports the militaristic teachings of the academy she is in charge of. I didn't like her violent expressions of emotion either; her volatility is terrible.
A: Zuzana is a very, well, strong happy-go-lucky sort of gal, as evidenced by her depiction in Daughter of Smoke and Bone. She's seriously a force of positive energy, both for Karou and to the reader; I can't help grinning when I think about her.
SCARLET | The rescuer | a book with a character on a mission
A: In The Burning Sky, Titus + Iolanthe have officially met and teamed up in order to defeat the Bane and put a stop to his cruel, violent ways. This is merely the beginning of an adventure that spans three books, but the actual mission is first mentioned here and they start training, so I figured it'd be best to feature this particular book in the series.
WOLF | The fighter | a book with a brutal fight (with words or fists)
A: Oh man, I cannot tell you how uncomfortable Rites of Passage made me, with its strong depictions of what it must be like to be one of only a handful of females at an all-boys military academy. There's obviously a lot of judgment being passed on the girls, and I didn't like the way some of their fellow cadets treated them - with words or fists.
A: The best thing about choosing The Order of the Phoenix for this category is that I can highlight two of the villains in it - Dolores Umbridge and Voldemort. They're obviously the worst sort of villains, and their actions constantly made me rage.
THORNE | The rascal | a book with the biggest schmoozer
A: Thorne's counterpart in Siege & Storm is Nikolai, otherwise referred to as Sturmhond. His wisecracks, wily ways and winning personality just immediately charmed me when I first met him. In fact, his hold on me is so strong that I'm dying for another book that's all about just him.
CRESS | The hacker | a book about technology, or sci-fi
A: I don't read a lot of science fiction, but Avalon is one that I really enjoyed. It's a story of a space crew hired to perform a heist. Really, what's not to love about that premise? I think it's cool to see how the crew learns to work together like a well-oiled machine, and to come along as they embark on their adventure.
A: I didn't realize that The Anatomical Shape of a Heart was going to involve a character with a medical issue, but I was pleasantly surprised by its appearance in a good way. It was definitely a condition I hadn't read all that much about before, but I do think that the author's take on it was pretty good, and certainly eye-opening to me on a personal level.
WINTER | The unsound mind | a book with the craziest character you’ve ever read
A: Oh man, reading OCD Love Story made me highly uncomfortable. Bea's mind is quite complex, and her condition makes that complexity even stronger. It wasn't easy to read her thoughts, know her intentions or to witness her actions, but I also felt like it was a good way to learn more about people who have the same condition as she does.
JACIN | The soldier | a book with a military theme
A: I really enjoyed Trish Doller's debut novel Something Like Normal, which features a newly returned Marine who is dealing with PTSD and the loss of a friend. It's a short story, but it certainly packs a punch with how realistically the situation is portrayed.
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