November 7, 2015

Fictional Worlds (+ Giveaway)

I read a lot of fantasy novels. (It's one of the reasons I decided to co-host the Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge with Rachel of Hello, Chelly!) One of the reasons why this genre happens to be so near and dear to my heart is because of the incredible, vivid worlds that the authors introduce me to. I fell in love with the oddities of Diagon Alley and the mysterious, magical Hogwarts; I felt a call to adventure through Middle Earth; I wanted to settle down in Emelan and Tortall with my favorite heroines. My favorite fantasy stories feature well-constructed worlds, and I'm always up for adding new ones to the list of those I love!

One such recent addition is the world contained within the pages of the three novels that make up the Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas. There is plenty of whimsy in the magical aspect of this story, complete with society's magical constructs and the tropes from fairy tales adapted into this tale. But it's also grounded in real history, as part of this story is set in the real world, mostly in England at Eton. This concocted universe is such a fascinating combination of imagination and reality, and Thomas really hit all the right notes as she keeps a steady balance between both. It feels both familiar and fresh, and it really made this story stand out even more for me!

(P.S. If you're interested, you can see my thoughts on the three books of this trilogy - The Burning Sky, The Perilous Sea + The Immortal Heights. I also featured author Sherry Thomas recently as part of Voices in Fantasy!)

I've heard that the Falling Kingdoms series is also set in a richly crafted fictional world, and I'm very eager to experience it myself! There are three books out already, and one being published in December, and two more coming, so there's enough for a good ol' series binge. Here's a little more information about the series so far:

Falling Kingdoms series book covers
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication Dates: December 11, 2012 / December 3, 2013 / December 9, 2014
Frozen Tides (AKA book 4) is out 12/15, and can be pre-ordered!

In the three kingdoms of Mytica, magic has long been forgotten. And while hard-won peace has reigned for centuries, a deadly unrest now simmers below the surface. As the rulers of each kingdom grapple for power, the lives of their subjects are brutally transformed... and four key players, royals and rebels alike, find their fates forever intertwined. Cleo, Jonas, Lucia, and Magnus are caught in a dizzying world of treacherous betrayals, shocking murders, secret alliances, and even unforeseen love.

Thanks to the lovely team over at Penguin Young Readers, I'm getting the opportunity to share a giveaway for copies of the first three books in the series - Falling Kingdoms, Rebel Spring and Gathering Darkness and three (3) winners will be chosen! Bear in mind, this giveaway is US ONLY. Just enter via the form below!


  1. Gorgeous post Alexa :D I love the first trilogy oh so much. <3 Sigh. It makes me so happy that you do too :) I have only read Falling Kingdoms, but I loved it :D Must read the others too; as I do own them all ;p Thank you for this awesome giveaway, even though I'm not entering :) You're awesome.

  2. I've been toying with putting this series on my TBR because, as you know, I'm a bit of a tentative fantasy reader. I'll be looking forward to reading your reviews to see what you think of the books! The covers are spectacular and gorgeous =)

  3. I accidentally typed in the wrong handle on the Twitter follow for Morgan! I follow her with @LazyDayLit

    I haven't read Gathering Darkness yet but I am still really looking forward to Frozen Tides! I may just re-read the first two and marathon them if I win!


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