November 13, 2015

Book Bloggers + Books Tag

I first got wind of this tag when Brittany of The Book Addict's Guide + Cee of The Novel Hermit mentioned me in their posts! (The books they associate with me are excellent choices, by the way. All of them are on my favorites shelf.) The Book Bloggers and Books tag was originally created by Kaitlin of Reading is My Treasure, and the goal is to basically share what books you think bloggers are advocates for. Coming up with my list was surprisingly easy, so without further ado, here are some of my favorite people (including the two who mentioned me) and what books or series I'd associate with them.

  • Me Before You | Rachel was one of the first people I know who read and loved this one! It's still her favorite Jojo Moyes novel to date, and I will always have fond memories of how she told me to read it and introduced me to one of my favorite adult contemporary authors. (Cassie is another person who loves and champions this story!)
  • How to Love | If anyone is a champion for Katie Cotugno's debut novel, it's Rachel! She recommends this one fervently and consistently, and you'd do well to listen. It's definitely because she felt a strong personal connection to Reena, Sawyer and their story.
  • The Lux Series | Daemon Black is Rachel's #1 book boyfriend of all time. She has talked to me constantly about this series, extolling its virtues (and not just Daemon's, but the story and the other characters too). I'm sure she's extremely happy I finally binge read it all this year!
  • Nowhere But Home | I'd never heard of Liza Palmer before Hannah started talking up this novel. Her sheer enthusiasm for this story, as well as her fun book-related posts, inspired me to grab a copy and read it. In a twist that surprises no one, I fell in love with it! (Cassie  is, again, another person who loves and champions this story!)
  • The Lynburn Legacy | I would never have picked up this trilogy, were it not for Hannah's glowing recommendation. It would have been a serious tragedy, as the series features a sassy main character, an excellent set of relationships and a very unexpected, fun story too. (Cee is another person who loves and champions this series!)
  • Jane Austen | If there's anyone among my circle of friends that I'd consider a Jane Austen fangirl, it would be Hannah. (Have you seen the coursework she constructed for anyone interested in tackling Austen? Because it's epic.) Hannah has read a lot of Austen and Austen-inspired works, and she could definitely teach me a thing or two.
  • The Bronze Horseman | Kelly literally gave me a copy of this historical fiction novel by Paullina Simons because she loves it tremendously and wanted to share that love. (I really enjoyed it!) But seriously, Kelly raves constantly about the way this one is written, the romance, the characters, the story, and I know that she has reread multiple times (and usually when she travels).
  • Marked Men | I know how much Kelly loves this series from Jay Crownover (particularly Nash!). She's been telling me to read these books for ages now, and I'm sure she's pleased as punch that I finally binge read them all during the summer. But seriously, her enthusiasm and constant discussion of these novels is legendary.
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood | There is no one else I know who is as passionate as Kelly is about this series from J.R. Ward. I mean, first of all, it features her #1 book boyfriend husband of all time, Z. And she just loves the Brotherhood, the little family they've created for themselves and the crazy as fuck adventures they go on.
  • Disneylanders | It's not just that Estelle gave me a copy of this novel to read that made me choose it for this post. It's because E also happens to be one of the biggest Disney fans I know, and her enthusiasm for Disney never wavers! This novel is testament to her love for Disney and books, and it's also just super cute.
  • Stealing Parker | I would never have read the next novel in the Hundred Oaks series (my reception of the first was lukewarm), were it not for Estelle. She lent me her copy (as well as Things I Can't Forget) and encouraged me to read it. To put it simply, she introduced me to my favorite Kenneally novel and boy of all time, and I'm forever grateful.
  • Jennifer E. Smith | Estelle has read every single one of Jen's novels, and truly enjoyed them. Her genuine enthusiasm is what made me initially read Jen's books in the first place. I've really enjoyed all her novels to date (only two I haven't read), and I have to thank Estelle to thank for the introduction to her work.
  • The Luckiest Lady in London | This was my first Sherry Thomas romance novel, and after all the hilarity and swooning that ensued during my reading experience, I was hooked. I would never have read this without Racquel's encouragement and seal of approval! Poor gal had to deal with frantic text messages from me as I read too.
  • Dangerous Girls | Racquel talks about this book a lot, and only because she is so, so impressed by it! Her enthusiasm is one of the reasons I finally decided to read it myself (and I liked it!). I love that she's constantly recommending it to readers left and right, and that she's probably never, ever going to stop doing that!
  • Lisa Kleypas | Honestly, this one is a given. Our mutual love of Lisa Kleypas is one of the reasons we got really close in the first place (GIVE ME BLUE-EYED DEVIL FOR A REREAD ANY DAY!), and it's one of the things we continue to share. We'll forever and always be bonding over our love of Kleypas reads.
  • The Lunar Chronicles | Brittany is one of the biggest fans of The Lunar Chronicles! She's got an incredible collection of the books (including foreign editions), and she's even hosting an official read-along before Winter, the last book of the series, is out in November. 
  • The Grisha Trilogy | I also think of this trilogy when thinking of Brittany, because her collection of these books is insanely awesome (again, including foreign editions). I know she also loves Leigh's latest novel, but I really associate this trilogy in particular with her.
  • Brandon Sanderson | She's new to the fandom, but I know that Brittany is a big fan of his work. She's read a lot of it since she first started, and her enthusiasm has shown quite clearly! (Nikki is also a huge Sanderson fan!)
  • Saga | I heard about Saga from my friend Chachic (who is also a fan), but I know that Cee is a devoted fan of the series. Because I tend to associate her with graphic novels, I tried thinking of titles that came to mind when I thought about which ones she loved and this was one of the first that came to mind. (I actually have a lot of catching up to do on this series.)
  • The Wicked + The Divine | I first saw this graphic novel mentioned on Cee's blog, and I've been curious about it since then. There are quite a few volumes out at this point, and I still haven't read any of them, but I'm constantly reminded that I want to whenever I see Cee mention the series!
  • Patrick Ness | Oh, I know Cee is a huge Ness fan; she constantly mentions him, and his works. I'm a little ashamed to admit that I have yet to read a Ness novel, any of them, but with Cee's constant gushing, I'm probably going to wind up giving his stuff a shot at some point.
I'm tagging Rachel, Hannah, Kelly + Racquel to do this tag!


  1. This is such a great tag! I always love all things Bloggy Love! :)

  2. Oh, this looks like such a fun tag :D Gorgeous post Alexa. <3 Love all that you found for these lovely bloggers :) Thank you for sharing about it. <3


    THESE CHOICES ARE EVERYTHINGGGGG TO MEEEEEE. (And I totally got emotional seeing Patrick Ness on there! <3)


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