October 6, 2015

Return to Green Gables: {Bookish} Style Files

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers", as Anne Shirley once said. And this October, more than any other, my heart is gladder than glad to be bringing you Return to Green Gables! Rachel of Hello Chelly, Hannah of So Obsessed With & I have been scheming about this event for ages, and it's such a thrill to finally be able to share it with all of you. Be sure to make the rounds on all three of our blogs for the rest of the week in order to see all our posts, each and every single one inspired by or tribute to the classic Anne of Green Gables.

In Anne of Green Gables, Anne has spent the first eleven years of her life living off the charity of others. This often meant secondhand, simple dresses, but Anne, with plenty of "scope for imagination" would transform them into glamorous, lovely dresses in her mind. We both share a love of beautiful dresses, as you can see. So, for today's edition of {Bookish} Style Files, I thought I'd pick out dresses to pair with the series book covers. I hope you enjoy my selections below!

{Bookish Style Files} Green Gables edition

{Bookish Style Files} Green Gables edition 02

And come back tomorrow to hear my ramblings on family, as inspired by the series.


  1. Oh snap! This is so cool! If I wore dresses more often than weddings and funerals (okay, this isn't completely true, but not much of a stretch!) I'd be all over these! It does make me want to find some tops or scarves to go with the books! Now YOU on the other hand-- you better make me proud and wear some beauties like these!

  2. SO CUTE. You matched the colours perfectly, Alexa! I'm totally going to Modcloth to check them all out...and have I mentioned how much I love this feature? I am a pretty insane AoGG fan. You guys have to watch Green Gables Fables!

  3. I love your pairings so much, Alexa! Wonderful post!


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