September 27, 2015

The Sunday Mix (15)

WHERE HAS SEPTEMBER GONE? It's seriously just been going by so fast! I suppose that is in part to do with how busy I've been in real life, in my work life, in blog life. There's just been a ton of things going on, including hanging out with my in-laws, trips to Cape Cod, attending bookish events, hanging out with friends... The list really just does go on and on. Still, I can't really complain! I love being able to do all these things, and I know I'm really lucky. Plus, the weather's been getting cooler, showing hints of autumn and I'm excited for sweaters and tights and boots!

  • Judith has designed this simple, lovely wallpaper inspired by Heir of Fire. She highlights one of my favorite moments from the novel in this gorgeous creation, and I really do love it!
  • I grew up reading the Harry Potter series, as did my husband Macky. We both intend to share this series with our children; it's always been a part of our dream. This article nails some major reasons why I want to share the reading experience that is Harry Potter with my kids!
  • Julie Esbaugh shares about raising the stakes when writing your story. Her advice couldn't come at a better time, as I'm currently prepping for NaNoWriMo this year and trying to come up with a loose outline for my story idea. Thinking about the stakes for each of my characters is definitely going to make them and the story entirely more interesting!
  • Cristina talks about spin-off series! I personally love a good spin-off series. It gives me a chance to stay immersed in a world I so love, and it also gives the authors a chance to impress me even more with their storytelling. How do you feel about them?
  • Lauren talks about feminism in YA books. She's really managed to express her thoughts on this well, and I love that she was able to articulate how I too feel in many ways. Plus, she includes some novel examples in her post too!
  • Estelle pairs two of her greatest loves in life - YA novels + the Muppets! I loved the pairings she came up with, and I need to watch the first episode of The Muppets TV show :)
  • Rachel came up with the clever idea of putting together a Queen of Shadows survival kit. I highly approve of her methods of coping, and certainly used some of them myself when I was recovering from that amazing book!
  • Lauren muses on fate versus choice (and shares some great parallel life book recs). I've actually touched on that before, but I believe in both. There's a little bit of fate and a little bit of choice involved in the course of your life.

from publishers (Thank you Macmillan, Harper Collins, Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, Amulet Books + Disney!)
physical: Once Upon a Time: Red's Untold Tale by Wendy Toliver / Catacomb by Madeleine Roux / The Tattooed Heart by Michael Grant / This Monstrous Thing by Mackenzi Lee / Midnight Dolls by Kiki Sullivan / Paper Wishes by Lois Sepahban / Behind the Canvas by Alexander Vance / A Week Without Tuesday by Angelica Banks / Stone Field by Christy Lenzi / Flawed by Cecelia Ahern + pages from I Love My Hair: A Coloring Book of Braids, Coils and Doodle Dos by Andrea Pippin
e-galley: Worlds of Ink and Shadow by Lena Coakley / Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch

physical: Throne of Glass (Spanish ed.) by Sarah J. Maas / Throne of Glass (German ed.) by Sarah J. Maas / Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson

I actually hit my target goal of 30 fantasy reads last month! *throws confetti* Since I have about a quarter of the year left, I thought I'd up my goal to 50 books. It's ambitious, I know, but there's no harm in being ambitious now, is there? Now, in the month of September, I only read two fantasy novels: Queen of Shadows (which was an incredible addition to the series) and A Thousand Nights (which was clever, even though I didn't quite fall in love with it). I've got some serious catching up to do if I want to hit my new goal!


  1. This reminds me I need to update my challenge page to see how I'm doing with my fantasy challenge. I think I'm on track. I love the German edition from Throne of glass, pretty blue colour. Walk on earth a stranger was such a fantastic book, I need to get a physical copy soon too. Happy reading!

  2. Yay for getting so many stunning books :D Happy reading Alexa. <3 I hope you will love them all. Ugh. I will never get tired of looking at Walk on Earth a Stranger :) It was such a perfect book. <3 Hope you are having an awesome weekend :)

  3. Ahh I love that article about Harry Potter! I'm in the middle of rereading the series right now and rereading as an adult really seems different! I'm reminded of all the things I loved and the deaths somehow seem so much more emotional. I want my kids to experience it just like I did!

  4. I chit my goal of 50 fantasy books!! Congrats to us both! 🎉 I still have a gang of reviews I haven't written yet so yay! I have been awful about checking in but I will def link of my wrap up at the end of the month! I just love fantasy so much. I wish I had a unicorn.
    ❤️Britt @ please feed the bookworm


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