August 25, 2015

Wildest Dreams - Robyn Carr

Wildest Dreams book cover
Wildest Dreams by Robyn Carr
Series: Thunder Point #9
Publisher: Harlequin MIRA
Publication Date: August 25, 2015
Source/Format: Netgalley (Thanks!) || e-galley
[I received this book from the publisher. This in no way affects my review.]

Blake Smiley searched the country for just the right place to call home. The professional triathlete has traveled the world, but Thunder Point has what he needs to put down the roots he's never had. In the quiet coastal town he can focus on his training without distractions. Until he meets his new neighbors and everything changes. 

Lin Su Simmons and her teenage son, Charlie, are fixtures at Winnie Banks' house as Lin Su nurses Winnie through the realities of ALS. A single mother, Lin Su is proud of taking charge and never showing weakness. But she has her hands full coping with a job, debt and Charlie's health issues. And Charlie is asking questions about his family history—questions she doesn't want to answer. 

When Charlie enlists Blake's help to escape his overprotective mother, Lin Su resents the interference in her life. But Blake is certain he can break through her barriers and be the man she and Charlie need. When faced with a terrible situation, Blake comes to the rescue, and Lin Su realizes he just might be the man of her dreams. Together, they recognize that family is who you choose it to be.

Wildest Dreams is the latest addition to the Thunder Point series, and it surprised me by easily becoming of my favorite stories in the series to date. I’m sure I sound like a broken record, since I say this every single time I talk about this series, but reading about the denizens of this little town always makes me feel like I’m coming home. It’s a comfort to be able to return to such a lovely setting, and to be surrounded by familiar faces with each successive story that Carr releases.

This is, yet again, another charming romance under her belt, with the sparks flying between Ironman competitor Blake Smiley and home nurse Lin Su Simmons. Carr shows off her considerable skill in crafting individual characters to fall in love with by making Blake and Lin Su such interesting people. Blake is a competitive athlete, a well-known name in his particular area of expertise. However, he is also a good man, friendly and helpful and generous with what he has; he’s also got his heart set on helping out kids who have difficult home lives, much like he did as a young boy. Lin Su, on the other hand, is home nurse to Winnie, a single mom with a son who suffered severe respiratory issues as a young child. She’s a cautious (if a tad overprotective) mother, a capable nurse, and an excellent friend, though she’s wary of being vulnerable and constantly trying to put the past behind her.

Clearly, these two have a lot going on separately! But they can’t help their budding friendship and growing romantic tension – and I loved seeing their relationship slowly, but surely develop into something real and true for them both. It will come as no surprise to readers of this series that, in spite of the fact that you just know they’ll have a relationship, the romance is not the only thing going on in this story. There are the various friendship and family dynamics with the other people in town (particularly Lin Su’s son Charlie and her charge Winnie); there are individual struggles and feelings that require some attention. Carr mixes it all up into a novel that’s a little more women’s fiction than full-on romance, and I really like the direction she’s taken with this series.

My only complaint, really, is how abruptly Wildest Dreams ends. (I was seriously clicking on my Kindle, trying incessantly to be sure that this was the very last page.) But other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed going back to the town of Thunder Point and being among its residents; I liked learning to love Blake and Lin Su, and Charlie too. Fans of this series will enjoy this new installment, and if you haven’t started the series yet, don’t be afraid to dive right in – and then perhaps go back and read the rest after!


  1. I love those books that give that feeling of "coming home". I haven't ever read this author yet, but I really want to try her out now especially after reading your review, and fun family dynamics is always a plus. Is it best to read this series in order?

  2. Ooh, I haven't read anything by Robyn Carr. I echo the previous commenter's question - do I need to read this series in order? If they're becoming a favorite for you and are romances (I always need more romance recs) then I want to move in on them, stat. I tend to like romances that focus on a specific community, so knowing that this does that is all to the good for me.

  3. I enjoyed the 1st in this series and I could not get through the 2nd one....maybe I should pick it up again!

    Kate @ Ex Libris


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