June 1, 2015

BEA '15 (+ Book Haul)

I seriously am a lucky girl when it comes to Book Expo America (BEA) because for the past three years (2012, 2013, 2014), I've been able to take the time off to attend. This year marks the last New York BEA before it moves over to Chicago, and I knew I had to make the time to be there. I'm definitely glad I did because, in spite of sore feet and tired limbs, I had so much fun!

As I said in last year's recap, I always feel a little more prepared for BEA every single time I go. This year was no exception! I felt a little bit like a pro as I dodged crowds, figured out galley drops and made my way to signings (and for some reason, I found it much easier to navigate the hall this year). In spite of not getting everything I was hoping to snag, I'm still quite happy with what I did get (and you'll see it all a bit later). And I'm also glad that I was pretty chill about things in general, since having a relaxed attitude is the best way to deal with the overwhelming BEA exhibit hall. 

[2015 blogger selfies project]

But what I'm most happy about is the fact that I actually had many opportunities to talk to people - bloggers, authors, publicity & marketing reps. It was nice to take time out of my days there to just gush over books and authors. Basically, BEA 2015 was all about making connections and I'm proud to say that I did just that.

[2015 author photos]

It was also a major bonus that I spent majority of my time with Kelly of Belle of the Literati. In spite of the fact that, prior to this BEA, we had only really spent less than five minutes together, she's one of my best friends and I'm so, so, so thrilled we were able to have lots and lots of quality time. (I don't feel like it was enough though. In fact, I'm experiencing withdrawal as I type this.)

[2015 pub events]

So yes, BEA was fun! And I'm pleased to report that BookCon was pretty good this year. I didn't come in Saturday, only Sunday, but I had a very positive experience. The atmosphere was a lot more relaxed and welcoming than last year's crush of people, even with the crazy number of attendees. I think it really did help that the signing lines were all in a different area this time, and the space open to attendees was a lot larger. They did a great job changing up the format, and I think it bodes well for the future of BookCon if they continue to handle it this way.
[2015 BookCon]

This year, I'm really happy with how my haul has a great balance between adult and YA! I've been focusing on reading YA for the most part in these last few years, but I'm slowly allowing myself to revisit the world of adult novels - and loving it! So I tried my hardest to make sure to grab some adult titles at BEA, and I definitely think I've succeeded.

from the Harlequin High Tea: Ransom Canyon / Redemption Bay / Too Good to Be True / Fatal Affair / Tough Love / Evergreen Srpings / The Closer You Come / If You Only Knew / Come Away With Me || from the Epic Reads Party: Ash & Bramble || from the Harlequin Teen Breakfast: Legacy of Kings / Never Always Sometimes || from the Macmillan Happy Hour: Signs Point to Yes / Tonight the Streets are Ours / Firewalker / Fairest / Six of Crows || from the Penguin Teen Lunch: Saint Anything / Daughter of Deep Silence || (not in photo) from the Bloomsbury Breakfast: Because You'll Never Meet Me / Open Road Summer / A Curious Tale of the In-Between

I just want to take a moment to thank all the publishers who so graciously extended invites to their events during BEA this year! It's always an honor, and I'm happy I was able to attend quite a few and talk to some of the people that have worked so hard to bring us the books we love.

And that's it for me + my BEA recap for 2015! I hope you enjoyed getting a peek at everything I got up to, the people I got to meet and the books I managed to pick up. To everyone who I spent some time with at BEA, or who stopped me to say hi, thank you. I enjoyed just getting to meet new friends, hanging out with old ones and really being able to have some lovely chats! Here's to the next big book event/convention I get to go to, hopefully in 2016 <3


  1. Alexa, it looks like you had a WONDERFUL time at BEA this year! It must be pretty cool to be a pro and weave through the heavy crowds. ;) I'm glad you were able to make connections with publicists and friends! And WOW at the number of selfies! But selfies are fab. LOOOVELY stack of books as well, I'm dying to read Vengeance Road. Thanks for sharing your BEA Recap with us!

  2. OMG looks like this year was amazing! I haven’t ever been to BEA but hopefully next year! Looks like you got an amazing haul and so have a great time reading through that yummy pile! Happy reading :D

  3. I'm so jealous right now! Some of the books that you got are on my most anticipated list! Anyway, happy reading. Hope you enjoy the book :D

  4. I can't believe how many books you were able to carry! I tried to be as selective as possible and I was so proud on Thursday when I only ended up with 3 books in total! As always, it was so nice to see you and catch up at the Epic Reads party!

  5. You met so many people! That's wonderful. I wish I spotted you. And you got Tough Love by Lori Foster! I am such a fan of her books. I'm glad you had a great time.

  6. Awesome haul and i love the selfie pics!!!

  7. Katherine @ Neon Yeti ReadsJune 1, 2015 at 7:53 PM

    Awesome post! I've enjoyed seeing everyone's updates at BEA from home. I'm hoping to go next year though because it's a bit closer for me.

  8. Lena @ Addicted 2 NovelsJune 1, 2015 at 8:22 PM

    I think I'll just photoshop a photo of us together, hack your blog, and upload it to this post, because I'm crazy upset I didn't go and hang out with you. TEARS! ALL OF THE TEARS!

    Anyway, you are just the cutest thing! We have to read LEGACY OF KINGS together! Just say when. Love you, Twinster!

  9. Holy you got a lot of books! ;) It looks like you got a lot of great pictures as well. This years BEA seemed to very very well I have seen so many people with such great books! I also heard BookCon was a lot better this year as well, so that is great. Glad you had a great time! :D


  10. Look at all those pretty, happy faces :D

    Ash & bramble, Daughter of deep silence, Six of crows and Court of fives are books I can't wait for <3 Happy reading!

  11. Danielle @ Love at First PageJune 3, 2015 at 2:41 PM

    It was so great chatting with you, lady! I was way more relaxed this year too, and walked away with about half less than I did last year - I'm thankful for that. I was able to actually talk to a lot more bloggers this year. I already miss everyone.
    Great recap!

  12. One of the things I want to do more of is take more pics whenever I'm at events, I'm so terrible at remembering since I don't like taking pics, lol. It's awesome that you managed to take so many pics. I love it!

  13. OMG, all your pictures! You did such a wonderful job of remembering to take these - what a champ! It was so so lovely to meet you, Alexa.

  14. Aw, you are so so lucky to have gotten to go to BEA so many times :) And YAY for having such an amazing time this year. <3 I adore all the pictures you shared :) Thank you for sharing about your amazing time. <3 Wishing to be able to go one day :D

  15. Thank you, Carina! I hope you do get a chance to go to BEA one day. It's definitely a fun experience, particularly because of all the people you get to meet.

  16. Thanks, Layla! I try really hard to remember to take photos ;) And it was lovely to meet you too! I look forward to our discussion about Uprooted when I do read it.

  17. I'm pretty good at remembering to take photos! I love being able to have them to look back on and remember what I did and who I met - it's pretty fun.

  18. Yes! I totally loved being more relaxed this year, and actually getting to hang out with friends. It was a nice change from rushing from one place to the next.

  19. Yay! I'm actually reading Court of Fives right now and really getting into it. Will let you know what I think when I finish!

  20. I actually got way less than I did in the previous years, but it's still a cool book haul nonetheless! BEA and BookCon were certainly more fun this year, mostly because I felt so chill during the whole thing.

  21. I WISH YOU HAD BEEN ABLE TO COME. I would seriously love it if we got to hang out. WHEN WILL THIS HAPPEN?!

  22. Definitely go next year if you get the chance! It's a fun experience, and worth going to at least once in your life.

  23. Thank you, Lucy! I'm quite proud of how many selfies I managed to take this year.

  24. I'm so sad we missed each other! We have to make sure to meet up next time :D

  25. I don't know how I did it, if I'm being honest! I wish I had more self-restraint ;) But yes, it was lovely to see you!

  26. BEA was so fun! I hope you get a chance to experience it for yourself one day.

  27. Thank you, Tiffany! Which titles were you most excited about?

  28. It was really fun this year! And thank you, Rabiah! I'm excited to read my BEA books too.

  29. It was more than I expected, that's for sure!

  30. Thank you, Jen! It's really fun to be at BEA, particularly when you know what you're doing. But the best part is seeing your friends and favorite authors <3 And I'll let you know what I think of Vengeance Road!


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