May 2, 2015

April 2015

I can certainly tell you that April felt like a really long month. But not in a bad way! It's just that the past thirty days have been jam-packed with activities and loved ones and all sorts of fun things. The weather has been much better this month, with more sunshine and less cold, but we're not quite in the clear with Spring yet. I'm slowly moving out of the winter doldrums and into spring joy; hopefully, the transition is completed during May.

Being able to fly home for my grandmother's 80th birthday celebration was by far the most exciting thing about this month! I love my grandmother dearly, and since she's getting on in years, I cherish every chance I get to spend time with her. It was a whirlwind six days in the Philippines, but I enjoyed my time there with all my loved ones and managed to do a lot too! (Post to come next week.) Plus, I got to fly back with my baby sister Rachel, who has come to stay with us for a whole month. (You can see her lovely photo updates on Instagram under #rachinthebigcity! And I'll be posting about her adventures the week after she leaves.) I also celebrated both Mel & Macky's birthdays this past week! (Post to come this week.) As for book events, I got to attend an event with Katie Cotugno and am so pleased I was finally able to meet her. Very busy, as you can see, and May is even busier!

Of the 10 books I read, my favorites were:


Features + Blog Tours // Screens & Scenes: Agents, Amour + Anecdotes, Time Travel To: Regency EnglandThe Sunday Mix (5), Screens & Scenes: The Devil, A Lost Princess + Little Bamboo, BEA Part of It: Parks & (Food) RecA Letter for YA Alexa, Jump for Jojo: It's All About the Gals, It Runs in the Family: Chlorr Gets the Mask

I'm quite steady with my fantasy reading, particularly considering that I barely read this month! I actually read four for March, since I finished Princess of Thorns just after my monthly recap for the challenge went up but before March ended. And I read two for April - The Girl at Midnight and An Ember in the Ashes. I definitely need to pick up the pace if I want to meet my challenge goals! How is everyone else doing?


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