March 17, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring 2015 TBR

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

If there's one particular type of Top Ten Tuesday post that I really enjoy, it's whenever participants are invited to share a seasonal TBR list! Now, I can honestly say that I've never successfully managed to read all of the books on any of the lists I've made -- and that really does bother me. Here's to hoping that maybe 2015 is the year that all changes for me!

A Mad Wicked Folly (Sharon Biggs Waller) - I chose this title because (a) I've had it since I won a giveaway (Thanks Debby!) and (b) I've heard nothing but great things about it. It's the story of a girl named Victoria, an aspiring artist facing societal pressure to do otherwise. Her life in 1900s London and exposed to artists and the suffragette movement pretty much seals the deal when it comes to my desire to read this story.

Magnolia (Kristi Cook) - Hate-to-love stories are my favorite! Add in a Southern setting, and you've concocted a title that makes me want to grab it and never let go. I've had this one since last year as well, but I think spring is the perfect time to bring on the contemporary romance reads, don't you?

Princess of Thorns (Stacey Jay) - There are so many amazing reviews for this one! I've been curious since I first spotted it on Netgalley, but decided to wait and see the general reaction to it. Well, the reaction has been golden and so, I just have to experience it for myself. Plus, I've already received it from two different friends (Hi Rachel & Racquel!). If that's not a sign, I don't know what is!

Rule (Jay Crownover) - When I was at ApollyCon, I got the chance to meet the delightful Jay Crownover a second time. She's such a cool lady, and that alone has me curious about her novels! Quite a few of my friends have read and enjoyed this first one (Hi Betty, Kelly, Rachel!) so I'm inclined to check it out for myself.

Where Sea Meets Sky (Karina Halle) - I'm just going to blame this one on Kelly, because (a) she was the one who recommended it and (b) she wrote a review that convinced me I had to put this one on my reading list, stat.

The Boleyn King (Laura Andersen) - I used to read adult historical fiction regularly, but I've fallen out of the habit since YA took over my life. Thankfully, I have my darling Kelly to book push historical fiction like no one's business! She gave me this book for Christmas, and I'm hoping to start it soon because I know she loved this series.

Before I Go (Colleen Oakley) - The lovely Hannah lent me her ARC, because she wanted me to have the opportunity to read this novel she'd fallen so in love with. (Evidence of this love can be found in her review.) It has a premise that sounds similar to PS I Love You (a personal favorite!), but it's different because it's told from the point of the view of the woman who is dying, and wants to make sure her husband will be okay before she goes.

The Girl You Left Behind (Jojo Moyes) - I just need to read more Jojo Moyes, because every single time I crack open a new story from her, I fall in love. She's got a way with words, and has a knack for bringing characters to life. I'm fairly confident that I'll love this book, especially because of the way it combines events of the past with the life in the present day. So excited to read more Moyes!

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Betty Smith) - Hannah can take full credit for this one, as this was one of the two books she recommended when I asked her about classics. I have a soft spot for coming of age stories, and it's a really fun bonus that this one is set in Brooklyn! I'm looking forward to diving into my copy soon.

the Little House series (Laura Ingalls Wilder) (includes Little House in the Big Woods / Little House on the Prairie / Farmer Boy / On the Banks of Plum Creek / By the Shores of Silver Lake / The Long Winter / Little Town on the Prairie / These Happy Golden Years / The First Four Years) - As a child, I was obsessed with these books. I can't even tell you how many times I've read this series in its entirety, fascinated by the story of Laura's life. Her experience was so vastly different from my own, and I think that was key to holding my attention when I was younger. I've just managed to acquire these nine books, so I think it's about time I indulge in a reread!


  1. Rule almost made my list. IT was close but didn't have enough votes. And Magnolia is cute too. I still need to read Pricess of Thorns too

  2. I need to make my list for this. BUT WHERE TO START! I do share your Little House love though - although I haven't read them for about 20 years! I think you've just inspired me to re-read! :0)

  3. Danielle @ Love at First PageMarch 17, 2015 at 9:27 AM

    I think you've picked some great books to read, Alexa! I hope you can get to most of these. Princess of Thorns and Magnolia are two favorites of mine - fun, cute stories. :) Happy reading!

  4. I totally adored Magnolia and positively liked Rule so I hope you enjoy those, Alexa! <3 I'm thinking I should read Moyes soon so maybe I'll be read The Girl You Left Behind this spring too since I have a copy! :D

  5. Magnolia is cute. I love hate-to-love stories, too. I didn't LOVE it love it, but I definitely enjoyed it. Happy Spring Reading!

  6. Amy @ Tripping Over BooksMarch 17, 2015 at 12:43 PM

    Princess of Thorns was very good! I think you'll enjoy it. I'm INCREDIBLY excited for you to read Rule. I LOVE that series so much, and I'm so jelly that you've met Jay Crownover! She sounds so friendly and wonderful. Get crackin! (jk jk)

  7. Lisa @ Captivated ReaderMarch 17, 2015 at 12:49 PM

    Have fun rereading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books! Here's my link to my TTT for the week:

  8. I think you will really like A mad wicked Folly, Alexa :) I know I loved it! Princess of Thorns was also pretty good.

  9. Morgan @ Gone with the WordsMarch 17, 2015 at 1:32 PM

    A Mad Wicked Folly is wonderful! I'm curious about Princess of Thorns too and just started Magnolia!! Hate to love is my favorite also :D I LOVE The Boleyn King! It's so great because it reads like regular historical fiction but with an alternate twist. It's such a good series :) I think I read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn in 8th grade... don't remember much about it other than I enjoyed it. Happy reading! You can read them all!! :)

  10. Melissa @ WriterGrrlReadsMarch 17, 2015 at 2:00 PM

    Aww, I love that you're going to re-read the Little House books! That series is a childhood favourite of mine as well =) I LOVED the Girl You Left Behind, and I hope that you like it too! I listened to it on audio, and loved that they had two narrators whose voices perfectly fit the characters. Great list!

  11. Great picks! I hope you enjoy all of these :D Here's my TTT if you would like to check it out :-) My TTT

  12. I really want to read Where sea meets sky!! *-*

  13. PRINCESS OF THORNS was so good! I really enjoyed it!
    You have an awesome eclectic list this time around!

  14. Tiffany (AboutToRead)March 18, 2015 at 10:46 AM

    I'm actually reading A Mad Wicked Folly now. Liking it so far!

  15. I love the Little House series!! I read those books sooo many times when I was younger. I saw the headline for some article about how Laura Ingalls Wilder was full of poop, but I refused to read the article because I don't want to spoil my memories of the books.

  16. God, a Tree Grows in Brooklyn! I've meant to read that for so long (one of my best friends adores it) but somehow I always forget. Thanks for reminding me!


    Sarcasm & Lemons

  17. You made my day seeing all the Laura Ingalls Wilder books! I was equally obsessed as a young girl, her life was fascinating! I secretly wished I had lived back then too. I remember reading The Long Winter over and over and oh man...I could go for it again.

    You've sparked my interest with The Boleyn King! Historical fiction is one of my favourites.

  18. Aw, yay for a list with a bunch of awesome books to read :) I haven't read any of them, but also planning on reading Princess of Thorns soonish. <3 Excited about it. I hope you'll get to read all of these :D And love them all. <3

  19. I'm really excited for Where Sea Meets Sky and plan to start that one very soon myself! I also have heard great things about A Mad Wicked Folly, as well as Magnolia so those are others that I need to get to eventually. I've been eyeing Jojo Moyes for awhile now, so I will have to read one of her books soon!

  20. Wonderful list! I recently read Me Before You by Jojo Moyes and it was so surprising. I was expecting a light, fluffy read, but the story was so beautiful! I will definitely read more from her in the future and I hope you enjoy The Girl You Left Behind! :-D The Boleyn King and A Mad, Wicked Folly also sound brilliant.
    I'm awful at planning ahead, though I'd probably get through a lot more books if I did plan ahead. I think I will give it a go next month :-D

  21. I think i have the entire Little House series somewhere in my house, but I've never read them. My mom bought them because she loved the show, and instead of watching with her, I'd sit and read something. Maybe I should read them.


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