February 11, 2015

Brunette Ambition - Lea Michele

Brunette Ambition Lea Michele book cover
Brunette Ambition by Lea Michele
Publisher: Crown Archetype
Publication Date: May 20, 2014
Source/Format: Publisher (Thank you!) || Hardcover
[I received this book for review from the publisher. This in no way affects the thoughts expressed in my review.]

Lea Michele is one of the hardest working performers in show business. Whether she’s starring as Rachel Berry on Glee, rocking a glamorous look on the red carpet, recording her solo album, or acting as the spokesperson for L’Oreal, Lea is the ultimate multi-tasker. She knows better than anyone that it is difficult to be your best self and keep things in perspective when your to-do list is overflowing and you are faced with challenges, so she’s developed a foolproof system for remaining healthy and centered. InBrunette Ambition, she reveals the lessons and advice that have worked for her--from beauty and fashion secrets to fitness tips, and career insights. Supplemented with never-before-seen photos and revealing anecdotes, it’s the book Lea wishes she’d had in her teens and early twenties: A practical and inspirational guide to harnessing tenacity and passion and living the fullest life, no matter what obstacles life puts in your way. (from Goodreads)

Full disclosure: I’m a Lea Michele fan. I’ve admired her since her Spring Awakening days, and have followed her career in the years after - through Glee, a solo album and various other endeavors. She’s a talented, inspiring young woman – and that really shines through in her book, Brunette Ambition. It combines personal stories and recommendations seamlessly, treating readers to a look at some of the things that are quintessentially Lea Michele.

The advice Michele offers in Brunette Ambition is candid and concise. She covers everything from the best date hairstyle to some beloved recipes, even as she pops a few personal memories in to shake things up. Everything is presented simply and straight to the point, accompanied by beautiful photographs. I loved the look of the pages a lot! But the best part? Michele’s chosen tone makes it sound like she’s sharing some of her secrets with you personally, which makes it all the more inviting.

Obviously, this doesn’t cover every single detail of Lea Michele’s life. But it’s a great peek into how she does things, as well as her life story. As a fan, I really liked this glimpse into the girl behind the celebrity! Many of the things she chooses to do are practical and can be done (with variations) by most of us, and I’m truly inspired by that. I’d definitely recommend giving Brunette Ambition a shot, particularly if you happen to be a fellow fan.


  1. Oh wow Spring Awakening! I first heard about that musical yeeeears ago, I must have some of the songs on my iTunes somewhere. *searches* I really like Lea Michele, she's incredibly talented. Thanks for sharing, I didn't even know she had a book out. -Ashana.


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