The day has finally come - it's time to officially kick off the 2015 Book Blogger Love-a-thon (henceforth to be referred to as Love-a-Thon)! While I miss my lovely co-host Katelyn loads, I'm still psyched to be getting to host this event and stir up some positivity in this amazing community we've got. Now's the chance for all of us to get to commenting, following, tweeting, expressing gratitude and admiration, and so much more. Plus, there will be mini-challenges, two Twitter chats and a bunch of amazing giveaways!
If you're just now hearing about the Love-a-Thon, you can still sign up! Just visit this post and fill out the form. Then tweet me at @alexalovesbooks, or shoot an email to, so I can add you to the official participant list in this post!
Before we kick things off with my questionnaire answers, I'd like to say thank you. I'm so grateful to all the bloggers who have signed up and shared in my excitement for this event! I'm also incredibly grateful to the bloggers, authors & publishers who have shared amazing donations for the giveaways during the next two days.
What I love most about this questionnaire is that it gives me an opportunity to share a bit more about myself with all of you! Check out my answers below, and then start hopping around to check out everyone else's responses too.
Where in the world are you blogging from? Queens, NY, from our relatively new place!
How did you get into blogging in the first place? I discovered book blogs in 2010, and lurked until 2011. That's when I realized I wanted to be a part of this community, particularly since I didn't have any bookish friends in real life! I set it up, started reviewing the books I'd bought and read - and the rest is history.
How did you come up with your blog name? I decided it would be best to stick with plain and simple, so I just stated a fact - Alexa Loves Books. (Not very creative, right?)
What genre do you read and review the most on your blog? I'd like to say fantasy, but this isn't true. Apparently, I read and review mostly contemporary novels. This seems crazy to me, since as a child, I loved my fantasy reads!
What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews? I'm glad you asked! I do a bunch of things - discussions, author interviews, monthly recaps, Top Ten Tuesday and Tunes & Tales. I also collaborate regularly with Rachel (of Hello Chelly) to do Friends with ARCs, Books in Real Life and Friends with Anime, and do events with many of my blogging friends throughout the year.

Favorite thing about the blogging community? The friendships I've formed. Seriously, blogging has introduced me to some of the best people! I've met some of my best friends online because of this community, so I love that!
Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2015! Here are 3 I've read - A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows, The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord. And here are 2 I'm looking forward to - Truthwitch by Susan Dennard & Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas.
What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read? I don't know how many times I can say this, but the Newsoul series by Jodi Meadows is incredible and I always think everyone should read it.
Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF? I'd like to think I'd get along really well with Lilah from Open Road Summer. Can she, Reagan and I be best friends forever?
Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests? I enjoy writing, though I have yet to form a decent habit of it. I love to scrapbook, and collect mementos from everywhere. I enjoy watching musicals and plays, a holdover from when I was a theatre geek in college. And I like traveling!
Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for? Stationery - pens, notebooks, pads - and crafting goodies - papers, adhesives, etc.
At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing? - Right now, there's only one song that I feel is fitting for this, and it's Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars & Mark Ronson.
Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book. I think the Hundred Oaks novels by Miranda Kennealy would make a fantastic TV show! Also, Daughter of the Forest & Son of Shadows would both make epic films.
Hope y'all enjoyed getting to know me a little better! I can't wait to see your answers for the questionnaire as I hop around your blogs today. Join me in blog hopping! To make it easier, here's a full list of all the Love-a-Thon participants as of Feb 22, 6:30PM EST.
- Love at First Page
- The Fox's Hideaway
- That Artsy Reader Girl
- Lose Time Reading
- Gun in Act One
- Mostly YA Lit
- Writer in Progress
- Liana Brooks
- Mab is Mab
- The Novel Hermit
- The Simple Tales
- Thoughts on Tomes
- Jessica's Rainbow Inspiration
- The Daily Prophecy
- Potterhead Reviews
- Books and Brooches
- Forever Kiah
- Afterwritten
- Hugs & Kisses of Poetry
- The Sweet Reads
- Based on a True Story
- Bookish Broads
- Chasing Faerytales
- A Bit Behind on Books
- Ciao Bella
- Fic Fare
- Rosie Reads
- Novel Ink
- Welcome to Book City
- Lovin' Los Libros
- Word Revel
- Stay Bookish
- Out of Time
- That First Line
- What She Reads
- Lili's Reflections
- These Flying Pages
- Alyssia's Booktastic Reading Obsession
- The Librarian Who Doesn't Say Shhh!
- I Turn the Pages
- Playing Jokers
- Book Munchies
- The Book Belles
- My Bibliophile Mind
- The Hardcover Lover
- The Runaway Reader
- Books & Baby, Etc.
- Worn Down Glories
- Endless Pages
- Pages Unbound
- Books Unbound
- Bookshelf Reflections
- Rally the Readers
- The Book Addict's Guide
- Bookish Serendipity
- Disquietus Reads
- Awesome Book Assessment
- So Long & Thanks For All The Fish
- A Writer's Tales
- Paper Worlds and Swirls of Ink
- Books & Tea
- Corazones Literarios Reviews
- Literary, Etc
- Books of Amber
- Booksy Daisy Reviews
- Chapters Pages Words
- Willa's Ramblings
- Happy Book Lovers
- Consumed by Books
- Bibliophilia: A Love Story
- Gone with the Words
- Literary Kate
- Wholly Books
- Captivated Reader
- My Bookish Itinerary
- Kara Newhouse
- Swoony Boys Podcast
- The Vivacious Hobo
- Andi's ABCs
- Caught Red Handed
- Library of a Book Witch
- The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club
- A Touch of Book Madness
- On Starships and Dragonwings
- Cover 2 Cover
- Head in the Clouds
- Pingwing's Bookshelf
- Seagulls & Semantics
- Lostbraincells' Bookish Blog
- Emma's Look at Books
- Divergent Gryffindor
- Write Meg!
- Literary Dispatches
- The Observant Girl Book Reviews
- Book Reader Lovers
- Letter 2 Self
- The Perspective of a Drama Queen
- Book Scents
- The Pretty Good Gatsby
- Super Space Chick
- Bookmark Lit
- Slayer of Ya Fiction
- Anatomy of a Book Nerd
- In Love with Handmade
- Chapter Break
- The Broke Book Girls
- Book Revels
- The Quiet Concert
- Bookables
- Bruna Writes
- Book Rambles
- Lynn's Book Blog
- A Perfection Called Books
- Bookishly Britt
- The YA Book Traveler
- Bookish Boo
- The YA Book Thief
- Karin Boutall
- Quality Fangirls
- Little Miss Drama Queen
- Geeky Chiquitas Book Blog
- Stuck in Books
- Pub Writes
- Book Cat Pin
- Little Bookworm Reviews
- The Crafty Engineer's Bookshelf
- Book. Blog. Bake.
- Words Read and Written
- Vibin with Books
- Oops! I Read a Book Again
- Chocolate Pages
- Lilybloombooks
- Books4Ev
- Zili in the Sky
- Reading is My Treasure
- Reading Wishes
- Musing Fiction
- PopCrunchBoom Books
- Swept Away by Books
- My Thoughts... Literally!
- Dizneeee's World of Books
- Lynsey's Books
- ajbookreviewclub
- amarisafloria
- The Library Canary
- Books Take You Places
- Neon Yeti Reads
- Bookish Illuminations
- Thoughts From An Evil Overlord
- The Sunflower Pages
- What Sarah Read
- The Reading Queen
- Please Feed the Bookworm
- Oh Magic Hour
- I Read Books.
- Escaping Reality - One Book at a Time
- The Bookish God
- Dandelionn Wine Book Blog
- Bedtime Bookworm
- The Girl Who
- Jackie's Book Shenanigans
- Negression
- Life of a Book Enthusiast
- Alexa Loves Books
- Romance at Random
- A Backwards Story
- Nut Free Nerd
- Frannie Pan
- Confessions of a Book Geek
- Sassy & Dangerous
- Loving Lit Book Reviews
- Rawrdy Rawr Book Dino
- Dymphna + Psyche
- Between the Pages
- Britt's Book Blog
- Writer for Misfits
- Karsyn's KJKJ Book Blog
- Tomes Project
- Books in Her Head
- A Dream Within A Dream
- Thoughts and Afterthoughts
- Watcha Reading
- Crazy for YA
- Clockwork Desires
- Reading with ABC
- The Very Hungry Bookworm
- Written Reflections
- The Streetlight Reader
- Book Nerd Paradise
- Curiouser and Curiouser
- Book Vida
- The Proverbial House
- Across the Words
- Bookaholics Anonymous
- Angela's Anxious Life
- Reviews from a Bookworm
- Booming Books
- In a Good Bookroom
- To Taste Life Twice
- YA Booklover Blog
- Even If It's Not Real
- Bang Bang Book Blog
- It Starts at Midnight
- Reading Wonderland
- Squiggles Reviews
- The Paperback Stash
- Booky Thoughts and Me
- The Tattered Page
- Wonderous Reviews
- WhoRU Blog
- The Sound of YA Books
Because we have such generous sponsors, I get to host a giveaway for this kick-off post! There will be two Rafflecopter forms below, one meant for US participants and one meant for INTERNATIONAL participants. Please make sure to enter the right one if you're an international participant!
prize pack consists of:
Asunder by Jodi Meadows
What's Left of Me OR Once We Were by Kat Zhang
Hook's Revenge by Heidi Schulz
prize pack consists of:
Iron Fey box set by Julie Kagawa
Taken by Erin Bowman
Sekret by Lindsay Smith
I am loving "Heir of fire - in darkness, like no other."
ReplyDeleteBut then, I'm soooo biased :P
Ooh Still-Starcrossed!!
ReplyDeleteYour poems are great!Especially the second one.
ReplyDeleteIt took me some time to come up with mine,but it was fun!
Love your Book Spine Poem! Such beautiful imagery--I'm excited you used Daughter of the Forest! :)
ReplyDeleteI love it!
ReplyDeleteLove you poems! I had a hard time with mine but I finally came up with one :)
ReplyDeleteLove your poems, Alexa!
ReplyDeleteWow! Yours are really good. I've never seen this before but it was so fun! Now to check out everyone else's.
ReplyDeleteI had a hard time also!
ReplyDeleteWow, I love yours!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThese are so creative! I really enjoyed reading these, and recognized a few titles here and there;)
ReplyDeleteGreat poems! I love that you used Heir of Fire! :)
ReplyDeleteI love this idea so much Alexa! It was a blast doing these! You did such a great job with yours! <3
ReplyDeleteThese are really good! I especially like the Heir of Fire one ;) I am such a big fan of Book Spine Poetry, I wish I'd been able to do more than one!