December 30, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: 2015 To Do List

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
As the year draws to a close (Side note: Seriously though, can you believe 2014 is nearly over?!), it makes sense to start thinking about the year to come. I have nothing but optimism in my heart about 2015, whether it comes to life or blogging or reading, and I hope many of you feel the same way. This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic was irresistible! So today, I'll be sharing my reading and blogging goals for 2015.

{Goal: 60 books}
I'm incredibly grateful for all the review books I've been granted access to, and there will certainly be a lot of titles that I'm eager to get my hands on this year. However, I want to read more of my books versus review books, so choosing to accept less books for review is something I'd like to be conscious of. (PS - Stay tuned for something that Hannah & I have been planning related to this next week!) 

{Goal: 15 books}
While I did reread more than I expected to this year, I'd like to be deliberate about doing more of this in 2015. I'd especially like to revisit some of my favorite series and childhood reads. In relation to this, Kelly and Hannah are hosting an awesome re-read challenge that you should sign up for! My sign-up post is going up this weekend.

{Goal: 12 books}
Before I started blogging, I know that I read a better mix of adult and young adult fiction. It's pretty clear to me that I've become heavily skewed towards reading YA these days. This isn't a bad thing, mind you, but I'd like to mix it up a little bit more! Adult fiction, especially when reading the right authors can be so damn amazing.

{Goal: 6 books}
There are so many classics I want to read, and so many I feel I should have already read! I have copies in various formats of some well-known titles, and I actually want to make it a point to set aside time to tackle them. Even though they might require more of a time commitment reading-wise, I want to do it!

{Goal: 50 books}
As of this particular date, there are 134 books on my physical to-read shelf. This might be the most Herculean task of them all, but I would like to try to read as many of them as possible before 2015 ends. I don't think I'd ever be able to have the number down to 0, but I'd like to try as hard as possible to get close to that.

I don't normally do a lot of memes on the blog, but I feel like I'm missing out on some fun stuff, particularly with Top Ten Tuesday! So, this year, I'm going to try to integrate that a wee bit more into my blog post schedule.

I'd like to brainstorm and possibly come up with some more fun feature and post ideas to share with all of you. Right now, I currently have my {Bookish} Style Files, Books in Real Life and Tunes & Tales to watch out for!

One of my favorite things to do this past year was collaborate with my blogger friends to host various blog events! I want to continue the trend this year, with events that are fun and celebrate passions we have in common.

I've certainly been better about sharing more personal stories on the blog this year. I'd like to keep that going next year, in the hopes that I'll continue giving you guys a chance to get to know me - the me apart from books and my thoughts on them, that is - a little better!

I'll be honest - I've been slacking on filming vlogs in the last quarter of 2014. Life has just gotten so gosh darn busy! My aim is to try and film at least one a month, if only to dust off my YouTube channel and get back into the swing of things.


  1. I think your goals are great! I can't wait to see what you read throughout the year as I think it might help me with my own reading challenge :)

  2. I am totally with you on reading more adult fiction and classical fiction. I vow to read at least one adult fiction a month since I want to have more variety in what I read. There are soooo many awesome ones I recently found out (like Station Eleven and Celeste Ng's book), and it makes me cry that it seems like there's no time in the world. (My dramatics working here. ;) )

    And it has really been forever since I read classical fiction. Not since I graduated from college. :o

    I wish you luck on tackling these goals!

  3. Reading more classics is definitely something I want to focus on in the new year, too. As well as read more Adult fiction. Time to branch out of the lovely, vast bubble of YA! :)

  4. I'm aiming to read more review copies, I go to the library a lot and I read a lot of library books despite having a lot of books of my own to read and I'd like to focus more on my review copies and books that have been on my shelf for a while!

    Good luck with your goals! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  5. You've set some great goals. I love Top Ten Tuesday! It's such a fun meme to participate in. It's the only one that I do regularly, besides the book haul posts, but I think I might edit those a bit.

  6. This is an awesome list! Best of luck with your goals for 2015. I participated in the Book Blogger Love-A-Thon that you hosted with Katelyn of Tales of Books and Bands this past year and really enjoyed it, so thank you to you both for collaborating on that and making it such a fun event. I think rereading books is something I want to try this new year, so I might end up checking out that challenge!

  7. I'm a fan of all of your resolutions, and I think a lot of them can be applied to me as well! It seems like the only thing I ever read are review books now, and my bookshelf of books bought just keeps getting BIGGER. And I feel like it's time for me to dive into some classics too.

    YAY FOR VLOGS! I love watching vlogs and you've done a pretty good job of doing vlogs this year with Stacking the Shelves. I'd love to see you continue!

    Wonderful resolutions, Alexa! I'm sure you'll accomplish them :)

  8. I'm also going to cut back on review copies (so far I've failed, oops) and I want to read a lot of my TBR pile books too. I might add 2 classics to my list of books I need to read. I also hope to keep up with vlogging. Great resolutions and I hope you are able to achieve all of them :)

  9. I love your 2015 goals/resolutions!! Here's a link to my TTT for the week:

  10. Great Resolutions! I also need to reread more often and start reading more classics! I would like to decrease my TBR too! My goal for 2015 is 80 books, with a little luck i might be able to actually do it!
    Good luck on your resolutions/ goals! Happy New Year :)

  11. These are great goals for the new year. I'm excited to see which great events you come up with this year.

  12. These are amazing goals for the new year. I've been wanting to do more personal posts as well.


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