December 28, 2014

2015 Reading Challenges

I'm thrilled to be participating in the Dive Into Diversity challenge, hosted by Estelle & Magan at Rather Be Reading & Rebecca from Reading Wishes. I'd like to think that I do go out of my way to read diversely, and it'll be great to celebrate that with this challenge! I hope that I'll be able to read at least one diverse book a month, perhaps more. For more information, check out the sign-up post.

This year, Macky is going to be contributing to the blog with his participation in Hail to the King, an event hosted by Cassie (of Books with Cass) & Leah (The Pretty Good Gatsby). For more information, you can check out Cassie's post (sign-ups are here!) or Leah's post. Without further ado, please welcome Macky back onto the blog!

What got you into Stephen King? When I was 12, I watched the TV drama version of It. It was the long 2-part special, and it was on video. I loved horror movies as a kid, and I loved stories about the best of friends banding together to fight great evil! I was hooked from the moment Pennywise showed up in that godawful drain. From then on, I was a loyal subject of His Majesty. Hail to the king!

How long have you been a fan? Or are you a newbie? I guess (my answer in number one) means I'm not a newbie. But I wouldn't say that I'm hardcore either, since I haven't read all 50+ of his novels. But I've read and reread a pretty big handful of his books!

First King book you read? (Or plan to!) Did you like it? Oddly enough, the first Stephen King book I read was, "Through the Eyes of the Dragon". I was seriously transported to another world. It was crazy! I was in the 6th grade, and I made a book report on it. I was the only kid in class who picked a Stephen King novel.

Level you're aiming for! I'm going for the big time - FEARLESS, the highest level for this challenge. The Dark Tower series alone is 8 books already! The Shining and Dr. Sleep make ten. Throw in Firestarter, It, Hearts in Atlantis, Salem's Lot and The Stand for starters, and 2015 is looking pretty awesome. Props to Cassie & Leah for the homage to one of the best storytellers of our time. All hail!

It's back to me, Alexa! When I first heard that Hannah & Kelly were planning to host a re-read challenge, I already knew I was going to sign up for it. I enjoy re-reading, particularly when it comes to old favorites, and to have a challenge so perfectly catered to doing just that was kismet. If you feel similarly, go and find out more about the challenge. I'm aiming to reread at least 15 books this year, though I'm fairly certain I'll wind up rereading a whole lot more than that! Here are the books I'm thinking about re-reading:

1. The Assassin's Blade (+ Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, Heir of Fire)
2. Sabriel (+ Lirael, Abhorsen)
3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (+ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)
4. Little House in the Big Woods (+ Little House on the Prairie, Farmer Boy, On the Banks of Plum Creek, By the Shores of Silver Lake, The Long Winter, Little Town on the Prairie, These Happy Golden Years, The First Four Years)
5. Anne of Green Gables (+ Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, Anne of Windy Poplars, Anne's House of Dreams, Anne of Ingleside)
6. The Hobbit (+ The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King)
7. A Little Princess
8. Open Road Summer
9. Second Chance Summer
10. Just One Day (+ Just One Year, Just One Night)

And, of course, I'll be participating in the Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge that I'm co-hosting with Rachel for 2015! I intend to read 30 fantasy books, which is pretty doable considering how much I love the genre and how often I feel like reading it. If you're interested in joining us (whether you have a blog or just a Goodreads account), go and check out our sign-up post!


  1. I'm also participating in the Dive into Diversity challenge - so excited! It seems like you're gonna be reading a lot of cool (and varied!) books this year :)

  2. Good luck with all your challenges! I don't actually reread that much, but this year I reread the Percy Jackson series as I was nostalgic after finishing the Heroes of Olympus series. I also reread Anne of Green Gables as I LOVE that book! I've reread Matilda by Roald Dahl quite a few times! :)

  3. Just joined up with the Dive Into Diversity challenge and signed up for Hail to the King yesterday! I feel like a re-read challenge would be redundant for me because I reread so much anyway, otherwise I'd be joining that one too. :)

  4. im gonna comment American Psycho on that! worth reading! but not rereading .-.


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