October 28, 2014

Vampire Academy Gala: Vampire Academy, Frostbite & Shadow Kiss - Richelle Mead

Today, Rachel & I are teaming up to review the first three books of the Vampire Academy series! In the first three, we're introduced to the main players of the books, settled comfortably into their world and then, pardon my French, the shit hits the fan. Even though I would say that the first book was simply okay, the series amps up the stakes from there and it gets more, more, more intense.

Vampire Academy 

The YA paranormal genre is heavily saturated by all manner of books about vampires. But in Vampire Academy, Richelle Mead introduces readers to her unique take on vampires – and it is well worth the read! Mead combines a sassy, smart heroine + solid vampiric lore, and spins a tale that’s pure entertainment. Readers will fly through the pages, eager to figure out the puzzling circumstances Rose and Lissa find themselves in and charmed by Rose’s astute observations and sly wit. You’ll fly through this story in no time – and be real eager to go on to the next for more humor and adventure, plus time with a couple of standout characters (namely, Rose, Dimitri and Christian!).


Frostbite takes on the characters + lore in Vampire Academy, but amps up the intensity with a hint of mystery and a whole lot of danger. If readers were swept up in the first, the second will bring you back down to earth as the severity of the dangers Lissa and the other Moroi face is made even clearer. In spite of the lurking sense of doom, there's still humor, snark and sweetness to be found; Mead definitely has a knack for balancing the two. In particular, readers will be pleased in Rose's consistency as a character, though she does adapt and grow based on what she goes through. It's also great to see the character relationships be fleshed out, with a few new people in the mix and a few surprises from familiar faces too.

Shadow Kiss

It's especially noticeable if you're binge reading the series, but Shadow Kiss has a much darker tone. Rose, in particular, is dealing with plenty of trying situations that test her physically, mentally and emotionally. While it's not the easiest of reads, it's also very organic to the series plot arc to see what Rose and all the other familiar faces are going through as the hostilities between the Moroi and the Strigoi worsen. It's cleverly handled, and Mead teases readers as the stakes get higher for Rose and her friends. There are surprises - good and bad - that await the reader, and if you thought you'd seen intense, this novel will take it to the next level.

Those are my thoughts (without spoilers!) for the first three books in the Vampire Academy series - Vampire Academy, Frost Bite and Shadow Kiss. If you've read these books, what did you think of them? And if you haven't, would you want to read them?

Plus, come back tomorrow to see my thoughts on books four to six!


  1. Shadow Kiss ruined me...I still cannot read on. I texted Judith at Paper Riot after finishing and she was there for me to complain and vent and these are the moments that make book blogging friends really special. :) I think I should continue but I am not sure if I can manage.

  2. Oh, I binge read the first three a few months ago and I definitely agree with your opinions, despite I having found Frostbite the weakest it really show the strigoi danger more clearly than on the first book. Also, Shadow Kiss is just... Ugh - still didn't had the gut to pick up the fourth one.

    Bound with words @ https://boundwithwords.blogspot.com/


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