October 31, 2014

Vampire Academy Gala: The Favorites Game

Like I've done with Rachel on previous events we collaborated on, we're sharing our favorites - what we loved best about the Vampire Academy series. We both did our best to keep these things spoiler-free, except perhaps for the part where we share our favorite scenes and quotes.

Book: I think I'm going to have to go with Last Sacrifice. I feel like every book prior to this one was a successive step that built up everything until we got to this book. The stakes are so high, and the relationships are so strong, and the characters are like familiar friends - and it was a treat (and a little nerve-wracking to see how it'd all unfold. Plus, Rose is majorly kick-ass in this book (even though she really is in all of them).

Main Character: It's a given that this is Rose Hathaway. Seriously. The girl is just amazing. She's sassy, smart and sharp; she's loyal and full of love for the people she really cares about. She happens to be the main reason that I enjoyed the books so much, because she amused and awed me at equal terms.

Secondary Character: It'll be no surprise that I loved Dimitri, right? Because there's nothing hotter than a dhampir guardian who teaches you to kick butt, and genuinely cares about your welfare and that of your friends. I seriously could not get enough of Dimitri Belikov! (I also really loved Christian Oreza. There's just such a huge soft spot for him in my heart.)



In Blood Promise, there's one particular scene that Rose recalls where she and Dimitri are up in the mountains, just talking about the possibility of having a cabin there. They make snow angels, and it's deliciously simple, but so poignant.

Romantic Relationship: Dimitri & Rose, obviously. Those two are facing so many obstacles, and go through so much just for each other. But you can tell that there's a strong foundation of friendship and mutual regard, and I loved that they were both dedicated to being the best individuals they could be. Seriously, the levels of swoon were absolute perfection.

Non-romantic Relationship: From the very start, I just enjoyed Rose & Christian's friendship. It starts out rocky, especially in Vampire Academy. But there certainly comes a point where they bond, mostly because of their love for Lissa. I liked seeing them occasionally banter, but also learn to work together and trust each other in order to get things done. Plus, when they teased each other, I loved that too!

Here are the previous posts you might have missed:
Welcome + Giveway || Hello, Chelly
Mini-Reviews of Books 1-3 || Alexa Loves Books
Mini-Reviews of Books 1-3 || Hello, Chelly
Mini-Reviews of Books 4-6 || Alexa Loves Books
Mini-Reviews of Books 4-6 || Hello, Chelly
Movie Rant || Alexa Loves Books
Movie Rant || Hello, Chelly


  1. Oh my gosh, I was swooning and LOL'ing at all your quotes thinking, is this a Dimitri showcase from each book? Because I'm totally not complaining! LOVE everything you love!!! THESE BOOKS!!!!

  2. Awww, I love the favorites game!! VA isn't a favorite series of mine - that damn love triangle nearly killed me - but there are some things about it I adore. Dimitri, *swoon*. My favorite book is probably Shadow Kiss - horrible cliffhanger but the most romantic, to me. I hope you will get to Bloodlines soon. :)

  3. All these dimitri quotes!!!! <333 love these posts -- they make me smile bc i just loved this series so much!

  4. I still need to read this series! And then Bloodlines!

  5. My favorite secondary character is Adrian <3. Are you going to read Bloodlines?

    Side note on the Dimitri/Rose relationship: If they had a song, it would absolutely be Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift. Just imagine it as a duet.


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