October 24, 2014

The TBR Tag

My friends Andi & Sarah tagged me to do The TBR Tag! It's been ages since I've done a fun post like this, so I'll be sharing my answers with you today. The TBR Tag was created by Rachel & Dana in an effort to make sure we bloggers stay on top of our piles of books to be read! 

How do you keep track of your TBR pile?

It's a combination of two things:

(1) I use Goodreads as a primary tool, dividing the TBR into books for review, books I want to read, and books I'm putting under consideration. I also separate the Kindle books into a separate shelf to keep track of them! 

(2) I make stacks. There's something soothing about having physical reminders of the books I must/want to read, even though it's terrifying how tall they get sometimes. I usually make two piles - one for books I bought and want to read, and another for review books.

Is your TBR mostly print or ebook?

It's definitely a mix of both, though I do think physical books would win by a very slim margin. Or perhaps that just what eyeballing the stacks in my room has me saying.

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

I do keep a schedule for my review books, and try to stick to that. But for the most part, I'm a mood reader. If I feel like reading something, I will! And if I don't, well, it won't get read at that very moment. I often bounce back and forth between reading review books and my own books, just so there's some sort of balance.

A book that's been on your TBR list the longest?

Oh, this is easy for me! It's definitely Anna Karenina. I've been wanting to read that book since I was in high school, and I own both a physical and an ebook copy. I'm hoping to read that one... at some point.

A book that you recently added to your TBR pile?

I was reading posts from Hannah recently, and I added Wherever the River Runs to my TBR because of her review. It sounds like such a great non-fiction read! I love that it combines travel and realizations about faith & God. 

A book on your TBR strictly because of it's beautiful cover?

I saw I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You on the shelf at Barnes and Noble and immediately gravitated towards it. It's got such an eye-catching font, and some of my favorite colors, plus the title makes it sound awesome! 

A book on your TBR that you never actually plan on reading?

I wasn't sure if I'd find any book on my TBR that fit this category, but I did! I no longer feel like reading Sway, even though I was intrigued initially

An unpublished book on your TBR that you're excited for?

I'm going to cheat on this one, because there are simply too many to mention: A Court of Thorns and Roses, The Orphan Queen, Truthwitch, Winter and The Mime Order. And this was after I narrowed it down!

A book on your TBR that basically everyone has read except you?

I know that so many of my friends have read The Art of Lainey this year. They make it sound like an incredibly enjoyable contemporary! Plus, I own it so I have no excuse.

A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you?

There are two I've gotten constant recommendations for - Forever Interrupted, and Nowhere But Home. I own both as well, so I probably should be reading them too.

A book on your TBR that you're dying to read?

I really want to read Station Eleven, a newer adult release that sounds imaginative and magical. I also really want to read Like No Other, which is a YA with a unique set of characters. And then there's The Blue Castle, a classic Hannah recommended!

The number of books on your Goodreads TBR shelf?

Let's see. There are 93 TBR books + 35 books for review + 87 TBR Kindle books + 140 books under consideration. This adds up to 355 books in total, which I think isn't all that bad!

YAY! That was actually pretty fun. It also really put into perspective all the books on my TBR! Looks like I've got quite a number of reads ahead of me, and hopefully, they're all good ones. I'm not going to actually tag anyone, but if you feel like playing, please do The TBR Tag and let me know!


  1. Thanks for doing our tag!! I hope you enjoyed it :) I really want to read Orphan Queen and A Court of Thorns and Roses too *eyes glaze over* I haven't read The Art of Lainey either!

  2. This looks like fun! I know I have close to 500 books on my list ... I'd be scared to visit it! AND just from your post, I think I added 3 more to my wishlist. :)

  3. I keep meaning to participate in this tag. But I'm not the most organized with my TBR, and that's something I'm working on. I keep saying - once I get it organized then I will participate. But I should just do it now. And maybe I will get advice.

    Anyway, I'm pretty much a mood reader, as well, but I do have a modest spreadsheet of any review books. I like to have an idea of how I'm doing getting through those.

  4. Anna Karenina is one of those books that is a life goal. I can't even put it on a TBR list because it'll stare at me in the face judging me haha. Yay to Nowhere But Home!!!

  5. I used to have the goal of reading Anna Karenina but I've pretty much stopped reading "literature". I don't find them enjoyable anymore. :/
    I'm super excited for The Orphan Queen, too! Every time I think of Jodie Meadows' books I think of you because of that readalong we did for the Incarnate series. :P


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