September 2, 2014

The Hybrid Chronicles Read-a-Thon

It's finally time to announce the start of this awesome read-a-thon that Bonnie (of A Backwards Story) and I have been planning for a while! Together with the awesome Kat Zhang, we're bringing you The Hybrid Chronicles Read-a-Thon

It's official - today we kick off the read-a-thon! What we're basically going to be doing is reading (or rereading) Kat's already released novels, What's Left of Me and Once We Were in preparation for the release of Echoes of Us! There will also be a chat or two, as well some flash posts so be sure to watch out (especially on Twitter). 

It's important to remember that there is no pressure whatsoever during this read-a-thon. If you don't have time to start until later on in the week, no problem. If you get a little excited and finish the books fast, no problem. The whole point is to have fun and celebrate this series together!

Here's the official schedule:

September 2-7: What's Left of Me

September 8-15: Once We Were

September 16-21: Echoes of Us

For more info on the event, make sure to follow all of us hosts:
Alexa: Twitter | Tumblr | Pinterest
Bonnie: Twitter | Tumblr | Pinterest

Please feel free to spread the word! 
Post on your blogs, 
share our banner on social media or on your sidebar, 
recommend it to your friend - we'll appreciate it all.

You can also take a smaller, vertical banner for your sidebars:

If you're interested in signing up, please add the link to your blog/twitter account to the Linky below. For more info, you can find me (@abackwardsstory) and Alexa (@alexalovesbooks) to answer any questions you might have.

Happy #HybridChroniclesReadAThon Week!


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