September 7, 2014

Stacking the Shelves (13): More Presents + Throne of Glass

It's time for another book haul! The last time I did one of these, it was my insane(ly awesome) birthday book haul, and I thought that was all of it. But clearly, I was wrong about that! I got a few more delightful surprises in the mail from some sweet friends, and obviously I had to share them all. Plus, I got a couple of review books and finally have finished copies of some of my favorite books!

The Blue Castle - LM Montgomery (Thanks Hannah!)
A Little Princess - Frances Hodgson Burnett (Thanks Hannah!)

Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro (Thanks Rachel!)

For Review
Girls Like Us - Gail Giles (Thanks Candlewick!)
Trial by Fire - Josephine Angelini (Thanks Macmillan!)
Wildlife - Fiona Wood (Netgalley; Thanks!)
For Real - Alison Cherry (Netgalley; Thanks!)
My True Love Gave To Me - edited by Stephanie Perkins (Netgalley; Thanks!)
Make It Right - Megan Erickson (Edelweiss; Thanks!)
Better Than Perfect - Melissa Kantor (Edelweiss; Thanks!)
Love & Other Theories - Alexis Bass (Edelweiss; Thanks!)
Writer to Writer: From Think to Ink - Gail Carson Levine (Edelweiss; Thanks!)
Polaris - Mindee Arnett (Edelweiss; Thanks!)

Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Laini Taylor (UK hardcover)
Dreams of Gods and Monsters - Laini Taylor (UK hardcover)
Like No Other - Una LaMarche (an Estelle rec!)
Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maas (new US hardcover)
Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas (US paperback)
The Assassin's Blade - Sarah J. Maas (UK paperback)
Heir of Fire - Sarah J. Mass (US hardcover)
Making Faces - Amy Harmon (Kindle)
Boomerang - Noelle August (Kindle)
The Burning Sky - Sherry Thomas (Kindle)
The Assassin's Blade - Sarah J. Maas (Kindle)

Bloggers Mentioned
Hannah of So Obsessed With
Rachel of Hello, Chelly
Lauren of Love is Not a Triangle
Estelle of Rather Be Reading
Gaby of Queen Ella Bee Reads
Jaz of Fiction in Fiction in Fiction
Katie of Polished Page-Turners
Judith of Paperiot

August 25 – Jaz (Fiction In Fiction In Fiction)
August 26 – Katie (Polished Page-Turners)
August 27 – Kelly (Belle of the Literati)
August 28 – Elena (Novel Sounds)
August 29 – Nicole (The Quiet Concert)
September 1 – Gillian (Writer of Wrongs)
September 2 – Judith (Paper Riot)
September 3 – Melanie (The Daily Prophecy)
September 4 – Magan (Rather Be Reading)
September 5 – Andi (Andi’s ABCs)
September 8 – Gina (Behind the Pages)
September 9 – Rachel (hello, chelly.)
September 10 – Alexa (Alexa Loves Books)

Your turn! What books have you gotten recently? What do you think of the books I picked up? Have you read/will you be reading any of them?


  1. Yeeeees!!! Making Faces!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE all the Throne of Glass love...OBVIOUSLY! AND Daughter of Smoke and Bone...holla!!! Amazing haul, A!

  2. I had similar feelings -- the romance was a bit off! But also: I didn't quite "get" some of the science of it made me feel a little slow, to be honest! Eep!

  3. Great review! I keep reading mixed impressions of this one, and I'm not sure whether to spend time on it. The last two YA fantasy series I started weren't so great, and I'm nervous to start another.

  4. So many great books! There is just not enough time in the world. Boomerang, Never Let Me Go, and The Burning Sky are great - hope you enjoy them! I'll be reading Make It Count/Right for myself soon. :)

  5. Wahhhh bummer! I totally loved this one. I think everything just really clicked for me BUT I can also see how it wouldn't work for everyone!

  6. I LOVED this one. If I had to pick a flaw though, it would also be the romance. I also get the Simon appeal, but I just like Eliot better. I'm not sure I can be 100% behind Simon and Del because I like Eliot so much more and I don't really know that Simon would have paid any attention to Del if it wasn't for the echo thing.

  7. I agree with you about the romance! It's pretty bad but I did like the characters and the idea! I'm actually really excited for the sequel!

    Anyway, great review!


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