June 6, 2014

You're Invited! The YA Prom


What is the YA Prom?

Well, YA Prom is a lot like regular prom. But this time you can skip waiting anxiously for that perfect boy to ask you, obsessively rifling through clothing stores for the perfect dress, all that other perfect jazz, and go straight to the partying on twitter in your pajamas! 

All you really have to do to join The YA Prom is:

1. Write a post detailing who your YA date is (ex: Harry from Harry Potter), what you're wearing, and any other information you deem necessary.
2. Post said post on your blog/tumblr/wherever by June 25th at 8:30pm and link up to the Linky that will appear on both Gaby and Alexa's blogs when their prom posts go up.
3. Pop onto Twitter at 8:30pm on June 25th and, using the hashtag #YAProm, spend an hour with your twitter friends celebrating YA, prom, and other excellent things!

Please note the following: 
-If you don't have a blog or a tumblr, you can still join us. Let everyone know who you're going with and what you're wearing in a tweet and use that tweet to link up below! 
-We'd love for EVERYONE to join - authors, bloggers, book aficionados... this prom is for all of the people of the interwebs.

So, mark your calendars, pick your YA date, do a little shopping and we'll see you at YA Prom!

Love from your Prom Commitee,
Alexa & Gaby


  1. What a cute event idea! I think I am down!

  2. Oh yes...I am SO totally in! What a fabulous and fun idea! I'm going to start shopping for my dress now!

  3. Ahh, I failed. I read that you had to post it on June 25th on Gaby's blog and posted there. Now I'm reading your post and now I'm reconsidering joining. (still June 25th is my birthday <3)

  4. What a fun idea! I love these events that you host, Alexa! I'm not sure if I have classes then (since it'll be morning here in Manila), but I'll try my best to attend to this one! Looking forward to seeing who you're taking to prom. ;)

  5. Such a cute idea! I'm mad I just saw this now. I don't know if I'll have time to throw something together before then, but I will try! And if not, I'll still join in on Twitter! What a great idea!

  6. SO MUCH FUN! I don't know if I'll be able to join the Twitter chat yet (I should be able to, I think!), but I'm definitely planning to do a post... Can we have more than one prom date? *looks innocent* :D

  7. I better start thinking about who I want to take as my date!


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