April 14, 2014

The Monday Mix (28)

The Monday Mix basically gives me the opportunity to share with all of you the links I loved online from weeks past. This includes everything from great reviews, articles about writing, inspiring posts and perhaps other things too. I've always valued the opportunity to share the great things I've read or seen, and this is my way to share the love with all the bloggers, authors + pubs out there!

Even though today is a Monday, I am in a most GLORIOUS mood. (Read: I have been quoting Frozen - particularly this "The sky's awake. So I'm awake." - all day long.) It has a lot to do with the leftover lovely feelings from this past weekend. Both Saturday and Sunday were warm and sunny, which is the kind of weather I have been anticipating for months. I hung out with my roomies at Sheep Meadow in Central Park for a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon, basking in the sun. We then headed over to my BFF's boyfriend's place for an evening of grilled food (YUM). And on Sunday, I just indulged in absolute laziness, reading my way through quite a few books while I stayed in bed!

These next two weeks are going to be chock full of book events (especially this week!), so I'm looking forward to that. (Though I can say for sure that my wallet isn't!). It's also going to involve starting a 30-day trial at a gym (meep! but there's a swimming pool so...), a couple of days off work and a visit to New Jersey. Plus, one of my high school BFFs is going to be in town this week (with members of my extended family, since we're also second cousins) so there's that to look forward to! But mostly, I'm just excited to say hello to spring!



Don't forget to check out my Tumblr (where I post photos and cover reveals and other fun things), and my sister's blog Snaps for Mel (where she recounts all our adventures)! I also have a Facebook page, where I post random links. You can also subscribe to my Youtube channelmy sister's YouTube channel and the Lit Ladies YouTube channel!

I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I did! Now it's YOUR turn - are there any posts (on your blog or other blogs) from last week that I missed out on? Please feel free to share links in the comments and I'll try to check them out.


  1. Haha, I sometimes also quote things from Disney all day long. It drives people around me nuts, but I don't care :D I hope the weather stays nice and warm. We had some good days too, but it's cold again and I hate it. Have fun with all the book events and good luck with the gym!

    1. I was literally repeating that to my officemate all day, because that's simply how I felt! I love that lines from Disney movies/songs can do that for me sometimes. And thank you! Gym going has been sporadic, but it has been happening.

  2. I'm so glad you included Elena's Japanese lit recs on here! I was SO glad when she offered to do that little introduction / round-up of her favorites :)

    1. It's an AMAZING compilation! I have made mental notes to try and check some of them out.


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