February 3, 2014

The Monday Mix (23)

The Monday Mix basically gives me the opportunity to share with all of you the links I loved online from weeks past. This includes everything from great reviews, articles about writing, inspiring posts and perhaps other things too. I've always valued the opportunity to share the great things I've read or seen, and this is my way to share the love with all the bloggers, authors + pubs out there!

I've got to kick off this week's post by informing you all that I'm officially working again! I'm back at my old company, thanks to their generosity and faith in my abilities. So, when this post goes up, I'll be at the office, settling back into the duties that I'm familiar with.

The past week has been filled with days at home, mostly as Mel (my sister) and Jaymee, with the help of Jaymee's boyfriend Ephy, have been busy cleaning our house from top to bottom. We've successfully redone our kitchen, bathroom and hall closet; Mel and I have also successfully moved into our "new" room. We're working on the living room and entry way now, but have stopped to let our wallets recover!

(PS - Mel also has a job interview today, so wish her loads of luck!)

I did, however, go out a couple of times over the last few weeks. I had coffee with Emily, dinner with Rachel, lunch with Gaby and coffee with Estelle, which was lots of fun. I also met up with Margot to do a fauxto shoot yesterday (and I cannot wait to see the end result!), and got a chance to meet David Beckham on Saturday too.

So, life's been eventful, in spite of the cold. Here's to more adventures to come in the next two weeks!

  1. Jamie wrote a great post where she shares about her “habit” of talking to strangers about books. While I’m not nearly as outgoing as she is, I do love it when people ask me about a book I’m currently reading (which has certainly happened before)!
  2. When the Top Ten Tuesday topic was about the books you want people to write, Hannah basically laid out all the things I would like to see in books. I also really liked Brittany’s list! And Jen’s list! And Debby’s list!
  3. S-Jae Jones talks about writing copy on Publishing Crawl. I’ve always been fascinated with people who have this skill down to a T!
  4. Another great post on Publishing Crawl this week comes from one of my favorite authors – Jodi Meadows talks about stressing less and daydreaming more.
  5. I might be a wee bit (read: a LOT) obsessed with Cee’s new feature showcasing pretty typography. I love a good font!
  6. Sometimes, I get too caught up in the virtual world of blogs and social media that I forget that there’s an entire world out there to live in and experience. “Life is Happening” is an article that really struck a chord with me and challenged me to step out of that train of thought.
  7. Friendships are some of the most important relationships in my life, and I really enjoyed Anne’s article about keeping friendships alive.
  8. Mr. Betty made me laugh with the descriptions of the series that Betty has binge read. Out of the series she’s mentioned, I’ve only finished the Unearthly series and am nearly caught up on Black Dagger Brotherhood and the Lux series! (Her post also reminded me about my own series binge reading post from last year!)
  9. Erin Bowman shares social media tips for authors, but I think that bloggers can use her tips too.
  10. I love these amazing oil prints of Disney princesses. SO. BEAUTIFUL. (Thanks Ksenia!)
  11. I’m not a big NA reader yet, but that might be because I haven’t the sort of NA that works for me. Dahlia Adler has some great-sounding recommendations for newbies to NA!
  12. Are you looking for more fairytale retellings to read? Here’s an NYPL list that shares some. (Thanks Marissa Meyer!)
  13. Stormy shares some great thoughts on using Pinterest as a book blogger. What do you guys think?
  14. Personal style has always been interesting to me, even though I’m usually a very simple (and girly) dresser. I love this post about ten style lessons the author’s learned! (Thanks Estelle!)
  15. I don’t remember how I came across this post, but I liked seeing an author share her guide to book blogger etiquette. Very thoughtful. 
  16. These YA-themed resolutions for 2014 are pretty awesome! (Thanks Emily!)
  17. Stephanie Kuehn wrote about five things she learned while writing her book Charm & Strange. It’s a great article, and well worth a read!
  18. I’m really excited for Rebecca Serle’s upcoming YA release THE EDGE OF FALLING. She shares one of her New York inspirations here!
  19. I’m really so obsessed (teehee) with Hannah’s Series Speed Date feature. [Her first post features the Fire and Thorns series by Rae Carson, which I’m reading this month!]
  20. I grew up reading the Anne of Green Gables series. These beautiful new covers (care of Sourcebooks Fire) are amazing, and I’m seriously going to buy all of them when they’re out! (Thanks Ksenia!)
  21. Here’s an incredibly thought-provoking post from Lauren asking how one defines a love triangle. Honestly, I’ll admit to a very simple understanding of what constitutes a love triangle – two parties interested in ONE party. The only thing that makes them different from each other is what Lauren has highlighted in her post!
  22. I basically feel EXACTLY the way Hannah does about personalized recommendations.
  23. I think I need to experiment with this book clutch DIY because it's seriously SO COOL. (Thanks for sharing, Magan!)
  24. Magan looks gorgeous in these photos. I can't believe she's having her baby this week! Go on and wish her well :)
  25. Most of my best friends live apart from me (a.k.a. the Philippines and Australia and London) but we make it work. Thanks to Alyssa, this post reminded me of how our long distance friendship survives.
  26. Here's some beautiful life advice, 37 pieces of life advice, to be exact. (Thanks Kelly!)
  27. I love this Nantucket Blue-themed gift pack that Estelle created. It's seriously got me in the mood for summer and a trip to the beach!
  28. Janice Hardy shares her tips for when writing is no longer fun. My favorite is the one involving deadlines, because I think it'd totally work for me!
  29. I loved Ginger's choices for reads featuring 20-something characters. There seriously need to be more of these in the world! One of my favorites is Brooklyn Girls by Gemma Burgess.
  30. I got a chance to be in one of Margot's photos! Seriously, this is one of the coolest things I've ever done and it turned out really well.
  • If I'm being brutally honest, I'm not sure what I should, or could, say about 24th Room (Christy Ellynby).
  • I'm just going to come right out and say it: I liked Avalon (Mindee Arnett). (There's a giveaway! And a review of the novella, Proxy!)
  • Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy (Karen Foxlee) is a fun, enjoyable fantasy romp.
  • Cress (Marissa Meyer) is my first five star read of 2014, and for good reason!
  • Infinite (Jodi Meadows) was, quite simply, amazing.
  • Secret (Brigid Kemmerer) is a powerful read.
  • Wicked Designs (Lauren Smith) was a very pleasant surprise. (There's a giveaway!)
Personal Posts:
I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I did! Now it's YOUR turn - are there any posts (on your blog or other blogs) from last week that I missed out on? Please feel free to share links in the comments and I'll try to check them out.


  1. I'm happy to hear you are getting settled in!! You need to come work on my house... haha Also... yay for getting a job back with your old company!! AND... thumbs up for fun times with all those lovely ladies. I wish I lived closer so I could be added to that list!!
    As always, love the Monday Mix. I've seen some of these posts, but not enough of them! Thanks for giving Mr. Betty a shout out. hahaha :)
    Oh- just looked at those photos of Magan! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!

  2. I MAY regret spending my time looking at those fabulous links you posted, but right now, NO REGRETS. I especially loved those oil paintings of Disney princesses. Did you see the ones of them re-imagined as pop icons? Good luck to Mel on the job interview, I drooled over your Twitter pic of meeting David Beckham *heart flutters*, and that fauxtograph is AMAZING.

    Loving the Monday Mix, Alexa! I feel like I've been horrible at commenting recently so this gives me a chance to either comment as a whole on past posts or remember to go back and comment. :)

  3. Good luck Mel! Sounds like things are going pretty good for you now - any chance you want to come to my house and clean from top to bottom? :D

    Off to check out some of your links. Like Summer, I might regret how much time I spend reading them all...haha

  4. Thanks for including my Series Speed Date feature - and yayyyy for now understanding how awesome The Girl of Fire & Thorns series is :) So happy you read it & we could fangirl over it together!


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