February 16, 2014

Book Blogger Love-a-thon || Welcome to Day 2!

Good morning friends! Welcome to Day 2 of the 2014 Book Blogger Love-a-thon! Before I go on, I'd like to say THANK YOU to all the wonderful people who participated, shared and loved on other bloggers and authors yesterday. You guys are amazing, and seriously made me smile all day yesterday! Katelyn and I could not be more blown away at how eagerly the event was embraced, and if I could, I'd give you all cupcakes and books out of my sheer gratitude. And now, time for Day 2!

Before anything else, I'd like to announce the winners of yesterday's mini-challenges. We're so happy that you guys enjoyed them all -- Book Spine Poetry, Book Valentines and Mad Lib! Here are the winners:

Mini-challenge #1: Kristina (Gone Pecan)
Mini-challenge #2: Kelly (Pretty Little Reader)
Mini-challenge #3: Christina (My Life in Books)

Congratulations, girls! And for everyone else, thank YOU for joining in all the mini-challenges. You have a couple more chances to win prizes today, including our big giveaway at the end of the day, so don't fret!

So, you might ask, what will be happening on Day 2 of the 2014 Book Blogger Love-a-thon? Well, more fun, more giveaways, more tweets! To make it easier for you guys, I'm going to post the awesome schedule lined up for today below:

9 A.M.-12 (Noon) EST

Welcome back to the #LoveAThon! We are kicking off the second day of the event with none other than BLOGGER LOVE! Love-A-Thon Tip: Don’t forget about the established bloggers you know and love! Sometimes it can get hard to visit your older favorites on a daily basis so take the time to give them love too!

12 Noon-1 P.M. EST

Mini Challenge #4: For the first mini-challenge of the day we are going to be having a Mash-Up! For this challenge we are going to ask you to mash-up your bookish life with a non-bookish hobby/passion/talent you have in real life. For example, if you are passionate about travel, maybe discuss books you want to travel to in real life, authors/characters you’d want to road trip with, etc. Since I am passionate about music, I am probably going to be sharing my favorite book playlists for this challenge. Get creative with this one and if you need ideas or suggestions, just contact us and we’ll be happy to help. Once you have the post written up, set it to go live at Noon and add it to the linky on either blog (The linky will be open until 9 p.m. Be sure to add your link ASAP so you can be eligible for the giveaway!). We will be selecting a winner from this challenge’s participants!

1-4 P.M. EST

Share the blogger love! Love- A-Thon Tip: We love authors for writing the books we so often fall in love with but a TON of authors blog as well! It is a great way to stay connected and up-to-date with your favorite authors!

4-5 P.M. EST

Mini Challenge #5: Here is another fun mini challenge & giveaway for you guys! We are bringing back another favorite with this one, Letter To Yourself! There are two ways you can do it. You can 1) Write a letter to your younger blogging/writing self: What would you change? What would you keep the same? What are your favorite parts? In what ways has blogging/writing changed you? What advice would you give yourself? Or 2) Write a letter to your future blogging/writing self: What goals do you want to set? What do you want to accomplish with your blog/writing? What do you want to start doing and what do you want to stop doing? Get all sorts of reflective with this one! Once you have your letter written, set your post to go live at 4 p.m. EST and stop back over here or Alexa’s blog to add your post to the linky and check out everyone else’s reflective letters (The linky will be open until 9 p.m. so be sure to add your link as soon as you can!). There will of course be another winner chosen from the participants!

5-7 P.M. EST

Share the blogger love! Love-A-Thon Tip: Don’t forget about the bloggers that blog about different things than you! It can be small differences like a blog that reviews Sci-Fi whereas you mostly review Contemporary. But it can also be large differences like YA versus Adult or book-ish blogging versus fashion and music blogging. Switching up the blogs you read can be refreshing and maybe introduce you to something you never would have considered before!

7-8 P.M. EST

Mini Challenge #6: For the last mini-challenge of the event we are going to be having the Love-A-Thon Awards! Think of this as the Grammy’s, Oscars, and your high school yearbook’s senior bests, all mixed together and dipped in book-nerdishness! We have categories for you below and we want to know who your top choices are (between 1-5 picks per category)! Best Blog Design, Best Weekly Feature, Best Discussion Posts, Friendliest Blogger, Most Helpful Reviews, Favorite Author Blog, Favorite Author Twitter, Favorite Bloggers To Fangirl With. Use a few categories or use them all! Once you have your choices made, put them in a blog post and have it go live at 7 p.m. EST. Add your post to the linky on this blog or Alexa’s by 9 p.m. to be eligible for the giveaway! There is a good chance you will find some new blogs among these lists!

8-9 P.M. EST

Twitter Chat: Come help us say farewell to the 2014 Love-A-Thon with a blogging, bookish, awesomesauce Twitter Chat with our moderator of the evening, ME! (@KatelynTorrey), co-host Alexa (@alexalovesbooks), and all the #LoveAThon-ers! For our last Twitter chat of the event we will be reflecting on the Love-A-Thon, what we liked, what we didn’t, what we had the most fun doing, etc.! And who are we kidding, there will be a few giveaways involved too! Be sure to follow and use the #LoveAThon hashtag to participate!

9 P.M. EST

Closing Post + Final Giveaway: WE MADE IT! The end of the Love-A-Thon has finally come. We couldn’t have done it without the support of all of you! Be sure to stop by mine AND Alexa’s blogs for our thoughts and reflections on the Love-A-Thon event. There will also be a HUGE giveaway for all participants to enter as well as a survey we would love for you to take so we can make the next love-a-thon even bigger and better. Also, if you would like to host your own giveaway as part of the love-a-thon, now would be the time to do it! We will have a linky on our closing post so you can add a link to it that way everyone can check it out!

And that's basically it! After such a positive response yesterday, I'm certainly looking forward to today. If you haven't officially signed up, but would like to participate, you can check out the events and join any of them by posting OR simply share some more blogger love on Twitter with the official hashtag #loveathon. Happy Love-a-thon!


  1. YAYYY :) I'm so pumped again today! I also can't wait for the Twitter chat tonight, last night was a fail for me. My Mom has this amazing ability to call RIGHT when I am starting something that needs all of my attention :P And then I was too far gone to follow... tonight though I'm shutting the phone off!!! Happy love-a-thon Alexa (I have no idea why, but my finger NEVER wants to type the "a" at the end of your name! , I don't know how many times I have almost called you Alex! lol) :)

  2. Congrats to the winners of the mini- challenges!! Way to go!!

  3. Yay congrats to all the winners! So pumped about day 2! Loveathon is such a wonderful idea <3

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas


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