January 18, 2014

Stacking the Shelves (1)

Welcome to my first ever Stacking the Shelves post! It's a feature hosted by Tynga's Reviews. I'm excited to be able to do book hauls again, which is something I hadn't been doing in a while. It's a great way to let you guys in on what's in my reading pile, and also a great way to call attention to books old and new. Without further ado, here's my first STS vlog!

For Review
Thank you to Macmillan & Ksenia for the following:
Second Star by Alyssa B. Sheinmel

Not shown, but acquired via Netgalley:
Tales from My Closet by Jennifer Anne Moses

From the Library
The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
Wonder by RJ Palacio
Beauty by Nancy Ohlin
The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers

Bloggers Mentioned
Lisa of Lisa is Busy Nerding
Amy of Tripping Over Books
Sharon & Racquel of The Book Barbies
Judith of Paperiot
Shae of Shae Has Left the Room
Gillian of Writer of Wrongs
Gaby of Queen Ella Bee Reads
Cass of Books with Cass

YOUR TURN - What books did you get this week? What do you have on your TBR this week? 


  1. Alexa, you're absolutely adorable! I love watching vlogs so I'm really happy you're trying to do more videos this year :) Book-wise, I got Broken Hearts a couple of weeks ago and did you know it's actually Morgan Matson writing as Katie Finn?! I'm so excited for that. And I'm really curious about Second Star. I'm dying to read Wonder and The Girl of Fire and Thorns! Awesome haul this week, Alexa! Happy reading :)

  2. YAY for Grave Mercy!!! I'm really enjoying it so far but it WAS intimidating cuz its GIANT. :-X

  3. Yay for Fire and Thorns and for Grave Mercy!!! I love the Fire and Thorns series so much. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on that series. And Grave Mercy is definitely intimidating but it didn't feel long at all when I read it because it was just so good! And I'd never heard of Second Star until you mentioned it here, but definitely added it to my TBR list. Sounds awesome. Enjoy!

  4. Just subscribed to your YouTube chanel :)

    I have been wanting to read Beauty so I can't wait to hear what you think!

  5. Awww, I can't watch your vlog because I'm at work. But I LOVE Wonder! It's such a wonderful middle-grade novel, and it's also very popular at my library. It's rarely checked in. I hope you like it.

    I really need to read Grave Mercy & Dark Triumph. Everyone says they're wonderful, but I haven't found time for them yet.

    I hope you enjoy all your goodies!!! Happy reading, Alexa!

  6. Nice haul! Enjoy your reads :)

  7. I'm very curious to see how Peter Pan works out in a modern setting! I really need to read Beauty and I LOVE Girl of fire and thorns, Grave Mercy & Dark Triumph <3

    Yes, Chaos of the stars has such a pretty cover!

    Happy reading :D

  8. YAY for a VLOG, also love your new blog format! Subscribing to your youtube channel ASAP!

  9. Broken Hearts, Fences & Other Things to Mend looks great!! Love that it's kind of a Morgan Matson book since Katie Finn is her pseudonym. LOVE her books. :) Wonder is AWESOME! One of my favourites! And I love the Robin LaFevers books! Grave Mercy is great, but I love, love, LOVED Dark Triumph! I hope you enjoy it! :)

  10. Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph!! These were two of my favorite books I read in 2013 and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did :)

  11. I've been really excited about Broken Hearts since I found out it was Morgan Matson. I l o v e Morgan, so I hope this book will be great as well. I've been wanting to read Wonder for a while now, and I hope you enjoy it. It sounds like it could be really beautiful and really heartbreaking, which are things I like in books. And I'm excited for our readalong!! :)

  12. I own fire and thorns but have not read! Hoping to join you and judith as you guys read! :)

  13. Yayyyy for Rae Carson + Robin LaFevers. Lots of book goodness right there <3

  14. EEEPS!! The Chaos of Stars was great!! it was cheesy and predictable but for some reason I absolutely adored it :) I'm excited that you are reading Grave Mercy too!! I am planning on starting it sometime this month because now I feel that EVERYONE has read it !!! lol


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