January 13, 2014

Incarnate Series Read-a-Thon

I am extremely excited to announce that the Incarnate Series Read-a-Thon officially started yesterday! This is an event that I'm co-hosting with the lovely Bonnie (of A Backwards Story), with help from author Jodi Meadows and our friends at Epic Reads.

In case you live under a rock and haven't heard of the Incarnate series (also known as the Newsoul series) yet, I'll be happy to share a little bit about it. The series revolves mainly around a girl named Ana, who is the only new soul born after thousands of years of the same one million souls being reborn over and over again. Readers learn of her struggles as a new soul, including the friends, enemies and romance she experiences along the way.

There's still time to join the read-a-thon! We'd love for you to join, whether you'll be reading the book for the first time or re-reading like we are. After all, there's nothing more fun that being able to read along and discuss a book with others!

[Don't own the first book yet? Want more incentive to join us? The ebook of INCARNATE is currently on sale for $1.99 on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo! Go get it now!]

Right now, we have a loosely set reading schedule:

January 12-18: INCARNATE
January 19-25: ASUNDER
January 28-February 2: INFINITE

But there's absolutely no pressure at all to stick to it! If you can't start right away, that's okay. If you can't hold back and end up finishing the books ahead of schedule, that's okay. All we ask is that you enjoy the books and keep your reactions, if any, spoiler-free. (Keep us posted on your progress via Twitter hashtag #IncarnateReadathon!)

This week, we'll be reading INCARNATE, the first book in the series. I read this book when it first released, and re-read it again last year, and I started reading it again on Sunday. It's still just as magical as it was the first time -- and I hope everyone feels that way too!

Apart from sharing our reading progress and reactions, there will also be special book facts from Jodi throughout the week! Keep an eye out on Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and other sites where we will be sharing these juicy tidbits that you're going to want to know.

We'll also be hosting a live chat with Jodi on Thursday at 8PM EST. Full details on the medium we're using for this live chat will be revealed on Twitter, so stay tuned! Get all of your questions (whether about the books, about writing, or about Jodi) ready!

If you're joining us, don't forget to share the appropriate links so that more people will know about the event! The more people we get reading, the more fun we'll all have together. Happy reading, fellow readers! I hope you enjoy meeting Ana and getting to know her story.


  1. *rushes in late to the party* I've been meaning to read this series ever since I realized there were dragons, so I'll be trying to catch up and read Incarnate sometime this week >.>

    1. HOORAY! I'm happy to hear you'll be joining us, Anya. It's going to be a decision you won't regret, as the Incarnate series is really, really good. Happy reading!


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