January 1, 2014

Alexa's 2014 List

Happy New Year to one and all! Hope your celebrations were loads of fun, and filled with lots of good times and loved ones. One of the things I love about new years is that they're technically clean slates -- you're allowed to start all over (or so it seems). I love coming up with ideas for things I'd like to improve on, develop or change during the year to come, which is why I'm posting my list today.

[Sidebar: I had a really difficult time coming up with a title for this post. Using the word "goals" felt like too much pressure, while 2014: A List seemed much too academic. I've settled for the generic, non-specific term list since these things are a combination of concrete, attainable goals with results that can be witnessed and things that are more internal, quiet and will be known only to me.]

Without further ado, ladies (and possibly gents), here's my 2014 list for you.

PRAY. 2013 marked a year of great progress when it came to my prayer life. I'd like to continue that in 2014, particularly by dedicating at least 1 hour a week to some quiet time with my Bible and prayer journal. Plus, Macky gifted me with prayer boxes this Christmas, and I intend to use them!

REFLECT. One of my favorite things to do is journal, but I tend to be more proactive about it in the first three months of the year. I intend to write down what I've been up to weekly in my planner (which was also a gift from Macky), while I write about other things in longer entries in my actual journal.

SHARE. Relationships - with Macky, with my family, with my friends - are very important. I want to nurture them further this year, whether through regular phone calls and text messaging, email updates, post cards or even simple little care packages.

TRAVEL. Every single year, this item never fails to make it onto my list. I hope to go on at least five (5) trips this year. It doesn't matter whether it's a place I've already been to, or an entirely new place, as long as I leave New York City for a little while and broaden my horizons.

SAVE. Managing money doesn't necessarily come easily to me, so this is a tough one! Instead of setting a specific monetary goal the way I did last year, I'd like to focus instead of making sure to budget properly. I need to exercise my brain and logic my way through my shopping this year!

WRITE. This is a two-fold item, since it involves both writing stories and writing blog posts. I still intend to post regularly on this site, though I'm planning on a better mix between personal posts and bookish ones. Once again, writing a full-length story is on this list, especially because my sister insists I can.

READ. As always, there has to be a reading goal for the year. I've chosen to set a goal of 175 books in total, which is between last year's original goal of 150 books and the final count of 213 books that I managed to read. I want to take it easy and read a good mix of YA, adult, romance and classics.

COOK. I need to learn how to cook! I do know how to make basic things, but I'd like to master at least 5 dishes and 5 desserts this 2014. It doesn't necessarily have to be a difficult recipe, because I know I'm not capable of that just yet. But I'd like to be able to say that I know how to make something.

SING. It actually scares me a little that I've put this on my list! But I seriously have been feeling inspired to go back to music, thanks to the influence of my husband and my brother-in-law. It would be wonderful if I could master at least 3 songs -- and even better if I could play guitar for them too!

BLOG/VLOG. I already mentioned blogging earlier, but I'd like to focus on actual content. It would be great if I could do more discussion posts, as well as integrating more personal ones too. Plus, I'd like to utilize my Youtube channel as well, and not just for book hauls and recaps!

While I certainly have more specific goals for 2014, these are the main umbrella goals that they all happen to fall under. Wish me luck in managing to successfully tackle them all!

YOUR TURN - What are your goals for 2014, personal or bookish? Feel free to share links to your goals posts in the comments, if such a post exists.


  1. Alexa! I love these goals, and more importantly, I love that you're honest with all of us! It's quite refreshing to see that reading + blogging aren't on the top of your list, because let's be real, LIFE is what's important, not being holed up at home! I can't wait to see how your singing pathway takes you, and travelling! Oh the places you will go! ;) Lovely post, Alexa. Happy new year!

    1. Thanks, Jen! I sincerely hope I can improve on the singing, especially as my husband as been so encouraging and excited about it. And I would LOVE to travel even more than I have this year, whether it's somewhere near or far. Happy new year to you!

  2. This is a great list, Alexa. I applaud and encourage you as you set out to better your self. Your honesty about these things is inspiring and nudges me to make a list of my own. ^^ Best wishes for the New Year!

    1. Thank you, Joni! Your words are extremely kind, and I appreciate them so much. I hope that you make your own list and set out to accomplish your own goals too. Happy new year!

  3. Lovely goals, Alexa! Hope you have a fantastic 2014! You deserve it! :) :)

    1. Thanks, Brittany! I hope your 2014 is just as fantastic. Happy new year! <3

  4. You have such great goals, Alexa! Most of them are ones I'd love to complete as well. I got a really pretty journal a year or two ago and I SWORE I would keep up with it...and just haven't. I was better at doing so when I was younger and didn't have anything to write down! AND TRAVEL. I actually want to GO to NYC so we differ there, but I absolutely get wanting to get out of your own city. I'd love to accomplish it by going to BEA, but hotels in NYC are so expensive, I'd have to rent a little bit of floor space from someone! I know you can complete all your goals and I'm really excited to see all your progress (like singing and writing a book and cooking adventures and blogging things). Also, this might be so random, but I love that you put prayer on here :) Good luck in 2014!

    1. I've actually had the same journal since I moved back to the USA in 2010! I swore I was going to write regularly in it, but that hasn't happened yet. Here's to hoping that I do that more often this year!

      New York City is a wonderful place to live, but of course, it changes your perception. Still, it excites me when any book bloggers want to come and visit! I hope you do end up going to BEA this year, and that we can meet when you do.

      I'm thankful that you pointed out how much you love that I put prayer on here. It's an essential part of my life and I definitely wanted to include it.

      Happy 2014 to you!

  5. We have some goals in common! Cooking is one of my goals too. What I would recommend for you is getting a crock pot, because those recipes are easy to master, plus if you are just cooking for two, you will have leftovers for the week which will feed into your goal to save money.

    Also, music is balm, it's the best. I hope you accomplish that goal -- maybe you should join a chorus, there was a study done that found people in choirs are really happy. It just does something to your soul, I guess?

    Best of luck achieving your goals/list in the new year!

    1. I'm happy to hear that we share some similar goals! Thanks for sharing the crock pot tip -- I've been considering getting one for some time, and this might be the year I actually do. Plus, I love that it would help me save money!

      The choir suggestion sounds great! I'm a bit shy about my voice, honestly, so I don't know how well that would work for me. But we'll see what can I find in NY!

      Best of luck to you as you achieve all your goals this year. Happy new year!

  6. I hope to have more travel in my year as well :) Good luck with all your goals and Happy New Year Alexa :D

    1. Traveling is one of my favorite pastimes. I really enjoy it! Here's to hoping there's more travel in your year as well. Happy new year, Mel!

  7. This is an awesome list, Alexa! Prayer/Bible is on my list this year too. I always have that tugging inside asking the question "how is it you find so much time to read ALL THE BOOKS, yet don't make time to read THE BOOK?" Really hoping I can keep it balanced this year.
    Music is also on my list. Mr. Betty got me a guitar for Christmas... something I've wanted to do forever. I'm hoping to take some time to learn to play a few songs! I also play some piano and am hoping my parents can figure out how to get it to PA this year!
    Money is a big one for me, well my family. We make it work so that I can be home with the girls, but it is always tight! I'm hoping to be more cautious this year with spending. I have sooo many unread books-- do I really need to buy new ones EVERY month? I could easily save there and I know I can come up with other ways as well.
    I wish you the best of luck on all these things over the year!!
    Happy New Year! Can't wait to hang out soooon!

    1. I love that question, Betty! It makes so much sense, doesn't it? I honestly think it's important that we both make more time for the Word (especially since it appears we have so much time for other words), so let's make it happen.

      Hooray for music! I hope that you rediscover your musical abilities this year, and can't wait to see you share videos of the progress ;) I'll post if you do too!

      I'd like to be able to stay home with our children one day, so Macky and I have been discussing that. I seriously have to cut back on all of the spending I do on books (and other things).

      Best of luck on everything, my dear Betty! I think we should add an additional resolution -- we should see each other a little more often.

      Happy new year!

  8. By the way, Macky sounds like such a great guy! So happy you have him in your life. :)

    1. THANK YOU <333 He deserves all the love and recognition in the world for making me the amazing person I am today, and for being so supportive and loving :)

  9. I love your list! Before I even read the sort of more detailed descriptions I just thought 'Yes! I want to do those things too!" Except the singing :)

    I always want to travel more and I know what you mean about getting out of NYC. When I lived in LA I just had to get out of town every few months, no matter where I went. And I want to write more and pray more and save so I can travel more :)

    But also my big focus this year is to eat very well and work out regularly so that I'm really healthy and can physically do all the things I want to without feeling out of shape or tired.

    1. I'm glad to hear my list resonated with you, Annie! Traveling is one of the things I'd love to do on a regular basis, and hopefully, that happens in 2014. Good luck with the eating well and exercising! You can do it!

  10. Alexa, what an awesome list for 2014! So great that prayer is on your list--spending quiet time with a prayer journal and Bible is so rewarding. I have found that my fiction writing often happens right after I spend time doing that, and it seems to be an ideal time for it! Thanks for sharing these--your post is inspiring!

    1. That's an amazing correlation, and all glory definitely goes to Him! I think it would be a great thing for me to spend more time in His presence, so that's why it had to be the first item on the list. Glad you enjoyed reading it!

  11. Love all the things on your list! I feel like a lot of them are things I always want to do; what a better time to start, huh? I love that 2013 was a great year for you in making progress with prayer; I feel the same way and look forward to 2014 as the year to make more progress. Although I'm interested in what prayer boxes are!

    I definitely want to travel more this year, maybe some short day trips and a bigger trip. If you're looking for a travel destination, may I suggest Alabama? We have great beaches! Sugar sands, turquoise waters, delicious foods! :)

    Hope you have a wonderful year, meet your goals and best of luck to you in all you do!

    1. I always feel like the beginning of a new year is the best time to try and change habits or make goals for myself! There's certainly no better time for a fresh start ;)

      Prayer boxes are little boxes with a tiny notepad and pen. I write down prayer intentions on the paper, fold it up and leave it in the box. Whenever I pray, I pray over the intentions in that box too.

      I might just have to come to Alabama, if only to visit you. Beaches sound perfectly lovely as well! It's been TOO long since I went to a great beach.

      Happy new year, C!

  12. These are really wonderful goals, Alexa. I typically only make resolutions/goals for things related to blogging, but there are a few things this year that I'd love to accomplish. Like you, my prayer life and reading my Bible are very high on that list. I didn't put travel on my list, but I should have. There are a few cities that I'd love to visit this year! Hope 2014 brings you everything you're wishing for :)

    1. I hope New York City is one of the cities that you want to visit this year, as that would be incredibly fun! But yes, I wanted to share the entirety of my resolutions/goals list this year, including the more personal ones. Prayer is definitely one I'd like to focus on more this year, just strengthening it :)


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