January 17, 2014

2014 Bingo Bucket Board

alexa mel nyc

My sister Melissa made the decision to move to New York, and came back with me during the last quarter of 2014. This is the first year we'll be living together again since 2010. Honestly? I'm psyched. I haven't lived with actual family in much too long, and it'll be awesome to have that set a different precedent for this year.

One of the things my sister and I have in common? We like making goals for ourselves. While Mel is a tad more adventurous than I am, we're also both really open to new possibilities (as long as they fit in with our values and lifestyles, of course). 

This is why we decided to create the 2014 Bingo Bucket Board! The board has a list of 24 tasks we'd like to accomplish before this year ends, ranging from the silly to awesome. All of the tasks were chosen to encourage us to get up off our butts, get out of home (and comfort zones) and to be able to experience things.

Throughout the year, Mel and I will update you on our progress with these tasks both here on Alexa Loves Books and over at Snaps for Mel. It's our hope that you enjoy reading about all our adventures!

[While I didn't realize this until much later on, I'd like to say that this board was inspired by the 2014 Book Bingo Reading Challenge hosted by Anne & Kristilyn. You should go check it out!]

YOUR TURN - Do you have any fun goals set for 2014? Or do you have any unfulfilled or (seemingly) crazy dreams that you want to make happen? Feel free to share in the comments!


  1. haha! This is such a great idea!! I think I'm going to make one for my family this year. :) Please let me know when the time comes for you to sing a karaoke solo- I want to be there. ALSO-- I will be anxiously awaiting the drunk selfie. LOL OH--- also wouldn't mind tagging along when you get that photo with a male model. mwahaha ;)

  2. Such a great idea, Alexa! I'm glad that our board inspired you! :) I love all of your bucket items ... wish I could accomplish some of those, but I know a lot really aren't doable for me this year. Might have to try and create my own for 2015! I think my one big goal this year is to really bond with my little guy and show him what a beautiful world we have out there ... once spring comes, of course. Winters in Canada can be brutal!

    Good luck!

  3. This is such a great idea! I love that this will allow you to be more adventurous and more spontaneous (than you already are), and I think I just might do something like this sometime. I'm curious to see what kind of work of art you will end up making, as well as the karaoke solo, haha. This sounds like a lot of fun!

  4. This is such a great idea. I'm sure you two will have a ton of fun completing the card.

    Tanya Patrice

  5. Oh this is so much fun! I can't wait to get updates on your progress. Yay for fun adventures!


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