November 1, 2013

BDB Party || Intro Post

The Black Dagger Brotherhood Party

If you haven't heard of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward, consider this an open invitation to check it out and indulge. A series filled with hot male vampires, unique lore and swoon romance? Yes please!

Over the course of the next two weeks, Rachel, Kelly & I will be collaborating on this special celebration of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.  Apart from the week-long celebration happening on November 18-23, we'll also be reading (or in Kelly's case, re-reading) the series... starting now!

If you're interested, feel free to tweet any of us (Rachel - @hellochelly; Kelly - @xoxokellynina; Alexa - @alexalovesbooks) using the hashtag #BDBparty or to leave a comment on this post. We hope you enjoy the party along with us!


  1. I happen to be rereading the series right now too. But plan on extending it out a while and reading a few other books in between since I have read them all before. In preparation for the King coming out in March!!! This is one of the few series I can reread over and over and still absolutely adore!

  2. Woooohoooo! I'm all for celebrating the Black Dagger Brotherhood!!!! :) I might use this as an excuse to get caught up! Though I should probably reread!


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