November 20, 2013

BDB Party: 5 Favorite Quotes

Black Dagger Brotherhood Party

The Black Dagger Brotherhood Party is an awesome week-long celebration that RachelKelly & I are hosting. We love the series, we love these vampires, and we wanted to share that love with all of you. Expect fun posts from each of us, and some posts that we've all collaborated on, as well as mini-reviews from me and Rachel, who are first-time BDB readers! You can also chat with us about the books, the characters and anything BDB-related on Twitter, by using the hashtag #BDBparty.

It almost breaks my heart that this week of celebrating the awesome Black Dagger Brotherhood series is already halfway done. I've been loving these vampires and their respective matches for what feels like forever, even though I only started reading all the books back in August! At the very least, I discovered that I actually like vampires (when they're portrayed a certain way), found a new series to love and made my sister extremely happy. Plus, I got to collaborate with Rachel & Kelly, which was so much fun! I've still got a few reviews and special posts coming along, so watch out for that.

Today, I thought I'd share some of my favorite quotes from the series in the hopes that it will entice you to read the books for yourself!


Stay tuned for more Black Dagger Brotherhood Party posts this week! In the meantime, check out the ones that are already online:


  1. I haven't started this series yet, but those quotes are just to die for. I love when an author can write a full story but weave it in poetic language, as well. Thanks for sharing and convincing me to give this a go, Alexa! :)

  2. Awesome choices for quotes! I remember loving the same ones when I was reading!

  3. I love BDB series!! Such a good series - but dear heaven's it's long! ha ha!

  4. this is such a nice information. cool. and keep it up my friend. Sarkari Naukri


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