August 29, 2013

Gayle Forman Read-along || Where She Went, Week 3

Where She Went - Gayle Forman
I'm so pleased to be a part of the Gayle Forman Read-Along that my friend Brittany is hosting from June-September. We tackled Sisters in Sanity with Judith, and have just finished If I Stay with Candice. And now it's my turn! I'll be covering Where She Went, the sequel/companion novel to If I Stay over the next month.

If you're interested in finding out more about the read-along, or signing up to join us, feel free to check out Brittany's kick-off post. There are three books left (Where She WentJust One Day and Just One Year) so there's plenty of time (and reading material)!

First, the schedule for the remaining weeks:

August 15-21: Chapters 1-6
August 22-28: Chapters 7-12
August 29-September 4: Chapters 13-18
September 5-11: Chapters 19-23

Here are the questions for week 3:

1. Adam's craving for human affection leads him to various groupies. Does this affect what you think of him?

2. Mia is able to feel and hear her family in her mind and heart. Have you ever felt that way about someone you've lost, whether from death or other means?

3. What do you think of the author's transitions between present day Adam and Mia, and Adam and Mia in the past?

4. The confrontation we've all been waiting for has finally happened! How did you feel when you found out Mia's real reason for leaving Adam behind?

5. Do you think Mia and Adam will truly be able to let each other go? Are you rooting for their happy ending or do you think walking away from each other is their best bet?

Here are my answers to last week's questions. Please feel free to link up to your posts below in the comments so that I can hop over and check them out!

1. Adam's new girl, Bryn, has definitely made an appearance now. What do you think of how they first met? And what do you think of Bryn herself?

The way that Bryn and Adam initially meet is awkward, but also felt truthful. In their line of work, it's hard for them to really meet other people, so I suppose having a friend set you up is pretty normal, all things considered. The fact that Mia is brought up in a conversation right away interests me, as this girl is jumping into something with Adam with this knowledge already.

Bryn seems like a nice girl, but very different from Adam, and even more so from Mia. She's career-minded, and stubbornly focused on that goal. That's really the sense I get from the way her character is written in the chapters we've read this week. Plus, the way she and Adam interact seems truly different from how he and Mia were. This might be, of course, because Adam is still hung up on Mia.

2. If someone important from your past showed up again in your present after you'd left things on an awkward note, how would you react? Awkward? Excited? Nervous? Angry? Sad? Afraid?

Oh goodness. I'd be a big bundle of nerves overall. Best case scenario? I'd babble and talk about non-sensitive, general topics like the weather or the news or gossip about people we both knew until we went our separate ways. Worst case scenario? I'd be overwhelmed by emotions and burst into tears.

3. Mia and Adam attempted a few months at a long-distance relationship while Mia was in New York. What is your opinion on long-distance relationships?

Honestly, I think long-distance relationships are hard, but not impossible. It's hard because you don't get the physical aspect of your relationship as much as you'd want or should for it to stay healthy. There's also the matter of time zone differences, new sets of friends and just different environments. But, if you're willing to commit and make time and just prioritize the relationship, it can totally work. I'm not saying it isn't a challenge and there won't be horrible days or experiences, but sometimes, it can work. And if you really love that person? It'll be worth it in the end.

(This question is really personal to me, as I've spent the last three years in a different country than my husband-to-be. While it's been difficult, it's obviously lasted -- we're getting married next weekend!)

4. As Mia says, "Everyone loves New York City for all these different reasons." Have you been to New York, and if you have, what did you love most about it? If you haven't been yet, do you want to visit and what do you want to see most?

What I love most about New York City is the cultural diversity. There's so much energy and passion, and that comes from the presence of all sorts of cultures and people all around the city. There's no one dominant culture (at least in my opinion), and that's fantastic. I love being able to go from Chinatown to Little Italy to Wall Street to the Heights and experiencing different things in each place. That's probably the reason I'm really drawn to the City -- no one really feels like an outsider in such an eclectic cultural mix.

5. Shooting Stars seemed like such a close-knit group in If I Stay, but that dynamic has completely changed in Where She Went. What do you think of the friction between the band? Do you think they can fix it?

The reasons for the friction between the band and Adam are justifiable and understandable. I do think, however, since they have a solid foundation to the friendship that they can repair the damage. It will require a lot of discussion, the ability to forgive and patience as they work through the awkwardness, but I refuse to believe the band isn't capable of this. Besides, I refuse to believe that they'll be split apart at the seams forever!


  1. I don't think long-distance relationships are impossible either. Like you said, if you commit and are willing to put in the effort, it can work. :) Great answers, Alexa! I feel like re-reading If I Stay and Where She Went now.

  2. I totally agree with you about the long distance relationship. It will work out if the two of you will work it out. Of course there will be challenges like every other relationship, but it will def. be worth it in the end :) and omg you're getting married next weekend!? CONGRATS <3 I wish you and your husband-to-be all the best!



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