June 7, 2013

BEA Blogger Slam Book

To wrap up this week of BEA-related posts, I came up with the idea of doing a BEA Blogger Slam Book. I shared the idea with my friends Rachel, Elena, Gaby, Betty & Kelly (who are all in the photo below) and so, we're all going to be posting our answers for you today!

Check out the posts from Rachel, Gaby, Elena, Kelly & Betty!

BEA 2013 was just SO MUCH FUN. I'm very excited about going again in 2014, and certainly look forward to seeing my blogger and author friends, the publishers and other authors again. For more of my BEA-related posts, please see the links below:

BEA Spotlight: Book Blogger Picnic
BEA Spotlight: Young Authors Give Back!


  1. Haha I rambled SO MUCH MORE in mine than you did! I'm so impressed with your skillz. Also, I grabbed Roomies if you wanna borrow it! xxx

  2. Your handwriting is so neat!! I think I'm the only one who used Photoshop to add their answers but I blame it on the lack of a printer/scanner in my apartment haha. Also - great tips! i think I will invest in a better portable charger for next year!

  3. Yes to the buddy system!!! I would have been lost without Kelly!! (especially on the subway-- hhahaa)

  4. Buddy system was the best! We went 3-4 of us and it was great to be able to go grab some drop books while the others waited in line! I'm already super excited to go back next year and I hope you're there so we can meet again! :D

  5. I LOVED doing this!!! You are the best!! Crown of Midnight...starting soon because of all the feels!! :)

  6. Great idea-this was a neat way to wrap up coverage of BEA and super fun to read!


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